Monthly Archives: January 2015

Girl and butterflies

Some say I have butterflies

Dancing in my head,

Green when winter’s away,

Red when trusting a dream,

Blue in hazy clearings,

Opening my paths

To you

To me

To him…

My yellow butterflies are polished silver

Glowing of ideas,

Shimmering of sparks

above linden flowers

In Spring.

Butterflies are always pink. Remember that.

Picture by Antonis Kalantzis.

girl with butterflies

Curs de engleză financiară

Accountants, chartered accountants, chartered certified accountants, auditors, financial auditors, stockbrokers, economists needed for financial English course.

Long discussions, business finance, accounting, bookkeeping, company law, accounting policies and standards, accounting principles, depreciation and amortization, auditing, balance sheets, financial ratios, cost accounting, financial institutions, investment banking, central banking, interest rates, money supply, stocks and shares, bonds, futures, derivatives, asset management, hedge funds and structured products.

International recognition after the ICFE* exam (International Certificate for Financial English).

Cursul de engleză financiară începe în săptămâna 9-14 februarie.
Program cursuri: MIERCURI și VINERI 18.30-20.00 sau 8.00-9.30. SÂMBĂTĂ 13.00-16.00.
Locatie ultracentrală (Universitate).
Tarif: 300 de lei pe lună. Grupe restrânse de studiu de maxim 6 persoane.
La sfârșitul acestui curs puteți susține examenul ICFE. În acest sens, în perioada 1-6 iunie organizăm la sediul nostru pretestări gratuite în vederea obținerii certificatului ICFE.

Înscrieri la 0722.841.053.
Vă mulțumim și vă așteptăm la curs.

* ICFE  Certificatul Internațional de Engleză Financiară este rezultatul unei colaborări între Universitatea Cambridge și ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) al cărei scop este să ofere candidaților un certificat din care să reiasă capacitatea lor de a comunica eficient în limba engleză în cadrul profesiei practicate sau în orice context internațional.

Personalizează-ți engleza!


Fata cu fluturi

Unii ar zice că am fluturi în cap

Verzi când iarna-i departe

Roșii când mă sprijin de un vis.

Albaștri în aburi de poieni limpezi

Care-mi deschid drumuri…

Spre tine

Spre mine

Spre el…

Fluturii mei galbeni

Sunt de fapt de argint

Sclipind în idei

Cu scântei

Prin ramuri de tei.


My yellow butterflies By  Ꮛ Ꮛ A r i e t e Ꮛ Ꮛ.

Fata cu fluturi

What is Love?

I know nothing of love, only that it is green. My love is painted upon the love of another.

Love is not a polished thing, but polishing your world with dreams is Love.

Love means spreading her paths with flowers.

“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever” Lord Alfred Tennyson.

My love is totally simple and naive. Red in the flowers and the flamingos, green in the grass and the goodness of the world in you….and …I have a garden.

My garden by Katrina Pallon.

Old and New

It was a strange and eerie time. Difficult.

I don’t look back. I don’t like the times when we are compelled, at least by convention, to create our invisible boundaries: New Years…

There is nothing to see. Or Do. Just comparisons…This Old is too New.

I learn from the past, I do not ponder over it. I agree with the Old, only if they remind me of another age, glamorously twisted into different and fascinating faces.

Anything that is good comes from the past. Only that we didn’t have the right mirror to see it clearly.

In the New world I would like to have a rest.

“To Rest is to receive all aspects of the world without judgment”…Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient.

A bath in the sun, a trip into the winds, New stories to be told, New times to be spent, Old people to be loved, and I don’t get to ask “Why?”…

Questionless…by Henri Rousseau.

Henry Rousseau