Monthly Archives: June 2021


I have shared
land and sky
with you.
I have tasted
blood and honey.
My witch-oil turned
to dragon-fire
at your touch…
It feels like getting drunk
on old reddish wine
long softened
during times of
What shall I pour in your glass?
Molten flowers
Golden ink
Lucid light
Unicorn mirth…
I fear any story
whose ink
my words
can’t drink…
Yet I drip in yours
ever since.
When your arms call
and your lips
read all my feral kisses
How can there be no heaven?

© Iulia Halatz
Published in the Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective

Also featured at Poetry’s home, a Medium publication.

Art – Edward Henry Potthast. Source: Facebook

Writer for a new Medium publication

I am honored to have been invited to write for another Medium publication, Literary Impulse.
A community space for LITERARY FICTION, POETRY, PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS AND DIALOGUE with a mission of ‘social change through creative endeavours’.

Over the years, writing has shaped my inner and outer life.
I started writing because of pain…
“To write with the truth of pain in your mouth is gruesome poetry … You’ll have to cut out your heart with every word and show it to the world, then hope it will heal. This is how the light gets in, also the dark. To acknowledge fear, defeat, despair and pretend serenity of a lesson learned while patching up the wounds is … Life.” – Tyrannosaurus Writing

Then I kept on writing because:
“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing

Presently I write for the following Medium publications: Blue Insights (to which I am also editor), Poetry’s Home, My Selections, Resistance Poetry, Intimately Intricate.

For me, writing is entering other worlds with my written words as keys.
Words open many doors. In written form or not.

Thank you for reading!

Also published on Substack.

Art by Christian Schloe. Source: Pinterest.

Politics is a thorny path

“Normality is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.” – Vincent van Gogh

Politics* is an abnormal walk on a path by the thorny bushes over precipices and under hail storms, and no flowers grow on it.
Only “flowers of the mold” or a type of flowers that whither within seconds….

But “What would life be if we didn’t dare to take things in hand?”

One must be a dreamer who is not afraid of the sawdust of dreams on his hands.
More than oftentimes I felt the powder of my shattered dreams in my mouth.
I had gone to bed desolated and depressed. The only ray of light is that I have the power to make a (slight) change…
It is very hard for someone who has always been accustomed to seeking beauty.

There is no beauty, only the constant hustle for leaving something behind.

You have no friends in politics. Only friends with agendas. Distrust at its utmost. People become narcissists because they have a mirror which stares empty in their faces. They cannot see themselves properly, so they create an inflated image of themselves to satisfy their hungry reveries…

Now I know what dreams are made of, smoke and mirrors…
In politics at times there is no silver lining, just hard overpowering awardless work. and Words… Empty words. Words devoid of meaning, words devoid of humane reasoning, words devoid of factuality. Words that add the the emptiness around.
“You’re not to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”
― Malcolm X

“Let me tell you: the only way to get rid of dragons is to have one of your own.” – Evgeny Shvarts
Or be one… in the Poet’s Garden.

Firstly I am a poet, than a politician. So I must needs grow some green wings and blow some fire. Out of which some flowers will grow.

Vincent van Gogh – The Poet’s Garden III, 1888.

Also published on Substack.

*I am a local councillor in my district in Bucharest.

Pearlovski – Handcrafted in Romania

You are never fully dressed without a piece of jewelry.

We bring forth our Treasure Trove of Gems and Pearls.
The treasure I am about to present here is not found but forged with toil, sweat, craft and the imagination of a treasure seeker. Swarovski crystals and amazing water-cherished pearls sparkle along with semi-precious stones like Amethyst, Citrine, Opal, Larimar, mother-of-pearl, Lapis Lazuli, Lazurite, Garnet, Tourmaline, Agate, Spinel, Pink Opal, Amazonite, Onyx, Labradorite and whatnot…

There is crystal for everyone and a peals necklace for every fashionable lady.

On our shelves you can find statement jewelry, handmade jewelry made of wood, silver, silver plated materials with some of the most amazing crystals in the world.

PEARLOVSKI – Delicate luster as a weapon – handcrafted in Romania

Find more at

The Moon

“I’ll be looking at the moon, but I’ll be seeing you.” – Michael Ondaatje

In the evening
with my eyelashes
I kill all the events of the day
I choke perceptions and
reveries green
That could be real
Pending dream.

In the evening
with my fingers
I spin yarns
For your sweet bedlams…

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.

Art – Art by Yajuro Takashima. Source — Pinterest.

Also featured at Medium/ Blue Insights publication.


We write
for love
and be loved.

And to feel
the exodus
of the shadows
in the glimmer
of tomorrow.

If my soul were a colour
it would be green.
Green has plundered
my everything
like barbarians
distant shores.

My eyes are also charmed
with the green
they pick up
from the sun…*

“Nothing is more important than summer”
and its green offerings on the altar of love…

*In the absence of the sun, my eyes are brown.

Also featured at Poetry’s Home, a Medium publication.

Art – Charles Courtney Curran

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.
Thank you for reading!

Happy First of June!

La mulți ani, dragi copii!
La mulți ani, părinți, profesori și educatori!

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
― Albert Einstein

Art – Toshio Ebine
Source: Pinterest