Category Archives: Castle of sport

Most Read Articles of 2024

This is the list of my most read articles of last year.


2023: A Banner Year | Blog de company

What Does A Translator Do? | Blog de company

A Dreamer With A Plan | Blog de company

Only English In The Classroom? | Blog de company

TIPS FOR JOB SEEKERS: Tough Interview Questions | Blog de company

Tips For Job seekers: Interview Questions | Blog de company

Why Start English is Your Go-To Partner for Corporate Language Training | Blog de company

Search Engines vs Artificial Intelligence | Blog de company

Stats about content creation that very few people are talking about | Blog de company

Do you think AI tools will take over most SEO tasks in the future? | Blog de company

The Most In-Demand Jobs on LinkedIn Right Now | Blog de company

Unveiling the Power of Off-Page SEO: A Journey Beyond the Website | Blog de company


For the new year I want: more sleep, more music, more tea, more books, more sunsets, more happy encounters, more creating, more strolls on the beach, more jokes, more laughter, more dreaming, more fun, more love, more peace.

And let us not overlook the fact that a bike ride is truly unparalleled, except perhaps for a leisurely stroll amidst the ethereal beauty of the clouds.

Photo by the author.

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Only English In The Classroom?/ Nur Englisch im Klassenzimmer?

❤️For our German readers

🔔Nur Englisch im Klassenzimmer?

💆Ja, ich habe auch internationale Studierende, mit denen ich keine gemeinsame Sprache spreche.

💆Meine Schüler haben nie Schwierigkeiten mit dem Verständnis, da ich bereit bin, alle Konzepte und Begriffe auf einfachere Weise zu erklären.

❤️Das größte Kompliment, das ich von meinen Schülern erhalten habe, war, dass sie Englisch gelernt haben, ohne zu merken, dass sie etwas gelernt haben. Der Kampf war nicht vorhanden.

✨Das ist die Kraft des Gesprächs NUR auf Englisch!

💸Dennoch stelle ich sicher, dass das Lernen auch außerhalb des Klassenzimmers stattfindet, indem ich meinen Schülern:

➡️Das Nachbereitungsblatt nach jeder Sitzung.

➡️Videos, die ich über eine Vielzahl von Themen gemacht habe, einschließlich Grammatikthemen, aktueller Nachrichten, der globalen Wirtschaft, neuem englischen Vokabular und grundlegenden wirtschaftlichen Konzepten.

➡️Artikel und Bücher aus meiner digitalen Bibliothek, die ich in 20 Jahren Lehrtätigkeit aufgebaut habe.

👋Hallo, Ich bin Iulia,

#Englischtrainer, #Texter #Lektor #Korrektor #Hauptmärchenoffizier #Jobhelfer #Journalist

💆Ihr freundlicher Lehrer für alles, was unter der Sonne liegt: Juristendeutsch, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Marketing, Copywriting und kreatives Schreiben.

💆Wir können zusammenarbeiten, um deine personalisierten Inhalte zu erstellen, deine Englischkenntnisse zu verbessern und deinen Platz im Rampenlicht zu sichern.

✨Ohne ausgezeichnetes Englisch gibt es keinen Weg nach vorne!✨

✨Schau dir meinen YouTube-Kanal an:

PS: Wenn Sie mit mir arbeiten möchten, eine kostenlose erste Sitzung buchen oder mir eine Frage stellen möchten, fügen Sie bitte eine Notiz in Ihre Verbindungsanfrage ein.

Biking else matters

Cycle positive!
One of the latest and finest piece of news is that parks will be open for visitors, pedestrians, nature-lovers,… bikers with a hankering for new May sunsets and sycamore trees.
I haven’t seen a blooming tree since the 11th March. Like all addicts, I can remember precisely when I had the last cycling dose in the library of trees.

Lately, I have read that the U.S. is facing a severe bicycle shortage as global supply chains, disrupted by the virus outbreak, try to meet the surge in demand. Many shops are low on inventory or sold out. –

Apparently, I have beaten the rush as I have two of them. I have read on LinkedIn that bicycles are presently called the freedom machines.
I can’t help remembering those times when I declared myself part of the free bikefolk, 3 years ago:

Cycling is my absolute passion. I do not care too much about anything else, with the exception of what I do, which has many layers of passion, and roller-skating. I recite incantations for the weather to stay fine until late December. Come to think, for 4 or 5 years we haven’t had snow in Bucharest for Christmas. And I bought my bike 5 years ago. Before, I was a roller-skater. I decided to switch the hat the moment a biker screamed at me pointing that the bike lane was for cyclists. And this is how I changed “denomination”.

Art – David Hockney

My new Office

“See through all the office amenities and escaped the hassles of working in an office. Contrary to popular belief it’s not your only option and it’s certainly not the best option. Join me in becoming a remote worker and you’ll be happier (and surprisingly) more productive.”

We also have everything you need for e-learning, teaching, writing, conversing, smiling and whatnot… and a trailblazing web of stories about the magic power of your business.

I’d love to hear from you!
Your message, email, Skype call, WhatsApp message&call will reach me at my new office or my secret castle:

My secret castle
lies in Spring
at the corner
of vernal vicious winds…
– Excerpt from Early Lilac Spring, a poem written in March 2017

Iulia Halatz

Early lilac spring in Herăstrău Park, Bucharest.
Later edit: The pics were taken on Thursday, since then I haven’t replenished my eyes with the glamour of the blooming trees…

Biking Else Matters

The shape of goodness is the shape of life sometimes lived in the cold and fear of falling. My cycling season lasts for as long as the weather makes it (im)possible.

Cycling is my absolute passion. I do not care too much about anything else, with the exception of what I do which has many layers of passion, and roller-skating. I recite incantations for the weather to stay fine until late December. Come to think, for 4 or 5 years we haven’t had snow in Bucharest for Christmas. And I bought my bike 5 years ago. Before, I was a roller-skater. I decided to switch the hat the moment a biker screamed at me pointing that the bike lane was for cyclists. And this is how I changed “denomination”.

The Japanese have a blooming chart for the cherry trees. I have a blooming chart for cycling after lilacs. Every spring day starts and ends with the promise of a more beautiful and balmier day. Spring gives freedom and courage to watch the world from a cocoon of warmth and kindness. When snow is beating at the windows, I feel beaten and frozen. To jump-start my optimism, the beginning of the New Year is the beginning of Waiting for the Spring Festival. Also I get to “fight snow with snow” by tricking and jinxing Winter on my skis…

Cycling is an adventure…Everything can happen. Only this year I have been caught in the rain twice. I was soaked, thinking that if I sped, as usual, I got home in a jiffy. Didn’t happen, my breaks did not catch and I was not able to see anything with the rain in my eyes. I was attacked by dogs (of war), hit my head in branches…Met wonderful people…Saw the world raw and rough on terrible sunsets…Had my face cut by the wind…Shed tears of endearment when an icicle got in my eyes and stayed, for a while…At all costs in tears and shivers, it is marvelous closed circle goodness.


From cycling in the cold to breathing in the roar on two of the most beautiful days of 2017 – Christmas day and one folstitia-fire Spring day:


Castle of sport – cycling

Life is irregular. Some regularity could be the spice of just about anything. Just be regular in small pleasures and irregular in others – such as bad decisions, mad dogs and carbs 🙂

One of the regularities in my life is my fitness routine. And the uppermost goes to cycling. I started in my early years, so I had time to gather experience and not to be surprised by any “failure” as I survived them all.

Nothing can go wrong if you take a bike and start on.

It is an Adventure. You can go wherever you want and have means to observe life in the big city – people, old buildings, vehicles, feelings. Bucharest is a beautiful city with many facets. Bucharest is still the City of Lights. Nevertheless, it is not the city of cyclists, yet. That is why my pictures are taken in the park. I promise to break this habit and brave the big city, I mean the car-friendly city, and take pictures of some marvellous corners of history.

Keeping in shape. This has been my personal battle for as long as I can remember. It is said that you can burn 1000 calories in an hour. While cycling don’t go like the wind as the only thing that can come up out of this is exertion or maybe a flat tyre.
Cycling is very good for losing weight – I cannot give advice in this respect, but it is wonderful exercise as long as you like it and you are comfortable with your bike.

Life is better. Exercising is always good and happiness also resides in the small things. Firstly you change your routine of going to work and spending part of your time indoors. Secondly, bikers and roller-skaters are a nice community.

Earlier this week I have caught the skies on fire above the lake…

Castle of Sport

Being an entrepreneur I need to be happy in order to find creative ways of fitting a giraffe in a fridge* every day.
To be happy, I need my space and time for exercising – at least one hour per day.
The castle of sport is where I live, allegorically. As I have imagination and means for sport-(fortify)ing.

When the sun shines in the sky and in my schedule, I take my bike and head up north to the park, hence my Biking Else Matters stories.

Sometimes I get tired, really tired, but this is the only way I am able to smile for approximately 17 hours a day. And my biking trips come with a lot of perks…Always finding something real and beautiful.

Sunset on the Herăstrău lake:

* how to fit a giraffe into a fridge – a question at a job interview asking about the ability of solving the unsolvable … which has become sort of private joke and story in my “business bestiary” :).

To be continued.