Category Archives: Jobs Of The Week

Tips For Job Seekers: Update your résumé to highlight transferable job skills

Update your résumé to highlight transferable job skills

💥Check out the video:

💥People talk about the importance of having “transferable skills” on your résumé all the time, but what do they really mean?

⚡️Transferable skills are all of the things you’re good at that can be applied to various roles in various industries. For example, strong writing, time management, and problem-solving are all examples of what would be considered “transferable skills.” The fancier definition of this term is “an ability that isn’t highly specialized.” Non-transferable skills, often called “hard skills,” are specific to certain industries, like coding, animation, or graphic design.

⚡️To show you are adaptable, generalize the skills on your résumé into three main areas: systems-oriented, people-oriented, and self-oriented.

⚡️Systems-oriented skills are associated with your areas of expertise. Under each role listed on your résumé, try to phrase these skills in a practical way to show how they can apply to a variety of positions and industries, not just your specified field. For example, suppose you worked as a content creator at a software company. In that case, highlight “business writing” on your résumé and specify what you mean by including more distinct tasks — like creating blog posts or writing marketing emails — under your role. Doing so will help prove that you can apply this skill to any job rather than just at a software company.

⚡️People-oriented skills highlight your ability to communicate with colleagues. Right now, companies value candidates who can collaborate remotely and have the potential to lead virtual teams. On your résumé, be sure to include keywords like performance management, virtual training, and task delegation, either under a particular role or a separate “skills” section at the bottom of your résumé to demonstrate your ability to collaborate and lead.

⚡️Self-oriented skills tell your potential employer that you can work diligently, learn quickly, and apply new solutions to existing problems, like the ones caused by the shift to remote work (decreasing productivity, burnout, etc.). You might think of these as “soft” skills, but they are in demand and will help you stand out as companies continue to decentralize their workforces. Words like “autonomy,” “time management,” and “self-starter” show employers you can stay on task, remotely or otherwise.

⚡️If you have been using a chronological résumé but are struggling to get responses from employers, or if you are trying to enter an industry you have no previous experience in, try mixing things up by showcasing your transferable skills first — even before your job titles. Use them as headers under the experience section on your résumé. For instance, sticking with the content creator example, you might put:

Business Writing

Content Creator at [Company]

💥Bullet point about your specific responsibilities.
💥Bullet point about your successes, including metrics.
💥According to our data, listing transferable skills before your experiences can lead to better callback outcomes. When candidates failed to get a response with a chronological résumé, we found that this more functional format was effective 21% of the time. Meanwhile, combination résumé formats (combining a functional skills list with chronological work experience) and sidebar résumé formats (focusing on scannability) were only effective 3% and 2% of the time, respectively.
If you liked this article, please read Tips For Job seekers: Interview Questions.

✨Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #premiumlegalEnglishteacher #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💥Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
💥We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
⚡️Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please call or write:

Photo – Pexels

Jobs Of The Week: 20 January – 26 January

💥As I love leafing through job adverts, I have thought of launching a weekly edition about worldwide jobs. I will post this newsletter every Sunday morning!

💥Question Of The Week: What is the difference between content writing, blog writing and copywriting?

🔔Content writing, blog writing, and copywriting each serve unique purposes and have specific goals. Here’s a brief overview of the differences between them:

💥The jobs that picked my attention this week:

⚡️The World Wildlife Fund in the US is looking for a freelance content writer to produce inspiring written stories that highlight the positive outcomes of WWF’s projects.

⚡️US Weekly in the US is looking for experienced freelance commerce writers to create fun, inspirational affiliate shopping articles based on trends and data — prior experience writing affiliate fashion, beauty, celebrity, and deal content is preferred.

⚡️Luxury Pet Hotel Investments in the US is looking for freelance copywriters to help with email marketing, social media, sales kits, and website content

⚡️Bubble Skincare in the US is looking for a freelance mid-to-senior copywriter with DTC and e-commerce experience to write sales materials, ads, and campaigns in a fun/inspiring tone:

⚡️Southern Coalition in the US is looking for a freelance editor/copy editor to help with editing reports and public-facing documents — $50/hr.

⚡️LA Time Studio in the US is building a small stable of freelance wedding industry writers.

⚡️Nia Gyant is looking for a freelance legal editor at Omniscient Digital, an organic growth agency.

May you have the best of luck!

See you next week!

✨Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #premiumlegalEnglishteacher #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💥Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
💥We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
⚡️Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please call or write:

Photo – Pexels

Jobs Of The Week: 13 January – 19 January

💥As I love leafing through job adverts, I have thought of launching a weekly edition about worldwide jobs. I will post this newsletter every Sunday morning!

💥Question Of The Week: What are a few good topics for creative writing?

⚡️Writing Prompts
⚡️The best blogs on various fields of interest for your (my) readers
⚡️AI challenges in my AI series
⚡️International developments
⚡️How to …
⚡️Cover letters prompts
⚡️The best blogs on writing effective copy
Read more in my article:

💥The jobs that picked my attention this week:

⚡️Appstem in the US is looking for a freelance technical copywriter:

⚡️Tasty in the US is looking for food and cooking-obsessed freelance writers to take on regular assignments:

⚡️The RFP House in Canada is looking for a freelance proposal writer — $40 per hour:

⚡️Zeit Sprachen in Germany is looking for freelance journalists who have experience studying at a German university:

⚡️Carol Ott is looking for freelance journalists at Habitat Magazine, a publisher of real estate resources:

⚡️Danny Wright is looking for a freelance football writer at Breaking Media:

May you have the best of luck!

Check out my Substack newsletter too!

See you next week!

✨Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #premiumlegalEnglishteacher #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💥Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
💥We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
⚡️Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please call or write:

Photo – Pexels