Category Archives: Words in English

ENGLISH GRAMMAR TUTORIAL: Simple Present Tense: How to Use It, With Examples

Simple Present Tense: How to Use It, With Examples

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The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. We use the simple present tense when an action happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite). Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding s or es to the end.
The other is to talk about habitual actions or occurrences.

I hope you enjoyed this English lesson about the Present Simple tense!

😎 If you liked this video, you might like this one about the Present Continuous: • Mastering English Grammar: Mastering English Grammar: Everything About the Continuous Present Tense


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20 Days Of Christmas

🎄20 Days Of Christmas

💥Following the (Romanian) chaos of the last two weeks, when I was somewhat on the brink of a heart attack, I can now finally concentrate on the most beautiful days of winter.

💥I am going to start publishing the most beautiful Christmas paintings today.

🎄Christmas is the time of enlightenment, inner warmth, and profound joy, and I particularly liked what T.S. Eliot said in “The Cultivation of Christmas Trees”.

⚡️“Christmas in Romania means drummers dressed up in bearskins to spook evil spirits and joyous children in colorful apparel chanting at doorways: ‘Do you welcome the Christmas Eve’s carolers?’” – Iulia Halatz

🎄Let’s start growing our Inventory of Light with the most beautiful Christmas paintings.

Art by Carl Ivar Gilbert.

My love story with the sky

As a philologist, I am aware of books where the environment played a part and was assimilated with a character: Wessex, the imaginary county in Thomas Hardy’s novels, and in a more modernistic approach, New York in Sex and the City.

Thomas Hardy chose to set most of his work in an area he called ‘Wessex’, the name of one of the ancient Saxon kingdoms of England. The area covers mainly the South and West of the country. Here you can visit Hardy’s fictional settings such as ‘Christminster’, the Oxford of today, or ‘Melchester’, which is Salisbury, with its famous cathedral spire.

Most likely, the sky is the love of my life and the silent character, prevalent in all my days. I grew up looking up at the arabesque dance of the clouds, populated with the characters from the fairy tales I was reading incessantly. For me, and since I was a child, happiness is a bit of a sky that I truly own. During sunsets, I would sit and marvel at all the shapes and colors, thinking that my favorite fairytale characters lived in castles in the clouds or in lilac and rose gardens.

Nevertheless, I feel close to the heath in The Return of the Native in my love for the sjy.
Egdon Heath is the fictional part of Wessex (also fictional) in which The Return of the Native takes place. It is a large, uninhabited expanse covered with gorse and heather and few trees. The heath, which Hardy describes as isolated and lonely, resists civilization and is the dwelling place instead of the natural and the Celtic, pagan history of England. Edgon Heath has a way of resisting outside forces and keeping its inhabitants from leaving.

What about you? What is your secret escape realm? 

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer

We can work together to craft your personalized content! 

What fragrances do you wear when you feel under the weather?

My latest article on Fragrantica covers my experience with positive, moderately-vibrant, and mellow-soothing fragrances that make me forget about my headaches. Fresh and ozonic scents are the best.

We talk about fragrances in connection with everything — holidays, food, campaigns, special occasions, seasons, ingredients — but what about the fragrances we use when we do not feel well or to alleviate temporary health problems?


What is a Bylaw?

Topics for our students

A bylaw is a rule or law established by an organization or a local government to regulate itself or manage the community’s affairs. Bylaws are specific to the organization or locality that creates them and provide detailed guidelines on various aspects of governance, conduct, and procedures.

Main Principles of Bylaws

Bylaws are created by a governing body, such as a city council, homeowners’ association, or corporation’s board of directors, to regulate matters within their jurisdiction.

Bylaws contain specific rules and regulations that address the unique needs and circumstances of the organization or community.
Bylaws have the force of law within the context they apply. Violating a bylaw can result in penalties or other enforcement actions.
Bylaws must align with higher laws, such as federal, state, or provincial laws. They cannot contradict broader legal frameworks.
Bylaws should be clearly written and accessible to those they govern, ensuring everyone understands their rights and responsibilities.

Examples to Illustrate Bylaws

Homeowners’ Association (HOA) Bylaws
Homeowners must maintain their lawns and gardens to a certain standard.
To ensure the neighborhood remains attractive and property values are maintained.
Homeowners who do not comply may receive warnings or fines.

Corporate Bylaws
Board of directors must meet quarterly to review company performance and make decisions.
To ensure regular oversight and strategic planning for the company’s success.
Non-compliance may lead to governance issues and potential legal ramifications for the company.

Municipal Bylaws
No loud noises after 10 PM in residential areas.
To maintain peace and quiet for residents during nighttime.
Violators may receive warnings, fines, or other penalties from local authorities.

Key Takeaways

Bylaws are local rules. They are created by organizations or local governments to manage internal and community affairs.
Bylaws provide clear and specific guidelines tailored to the needs of the governed body.
They have legal standing within their context and must be followed by those they apply to.
Bylaws must not conflict with broader legal frameworks and must be fair and transparent.
By understanding and following bylaws, organizations and communities can operate smoothly and effectively, ensuring orderly conduct and governance.

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How do you complete a poem in any subject matter you are interested in?

#Quora #QuestionsonQuora

I love answering questions on Quora. It is like gymnastics of the mind.

Imagination is a tricky thing. It does not breathe words all the time. Sometimes it is alive, and sometimes it is barely breathing.
When I have ideas, I write in a notebook or on my phone. After that, I transferred my thoughts to my blog.
You do not just sit at your desk and start writing a poem.

I love writing. For me, it is like living in a parallel world of my own making. Nevertheless, the walls of this new realm may sometimes appear blurry.

The idea for the following poem hit me when I looked out the window and felt the mellow shine of autumn glistening into the threes.

I don’t want the summer to end

I don’t want the summer to end
That is why I try to suspend
My thoughts of winters and grey
Garnering drops of snow and dismay.

I don’t want the summer to end
That is why I am hand in hand
With clouds and planets blue,
Roses and treasures that have no clue
Of corrupt winds and misty reign
In the apocalypse of rain.

I don’t want the summer to end…

Art – Daniel F. Gerhartz. Fair use

What Is a Black Swan Event?

What Is a Black Swan Event?
A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected from a situation and that has potentially severe consequences. Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and the widespread insistence they were obvious in hindsight.

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Photo by the author.

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I create videos about trending news, the worldwide economy, new English words, economic concepts, and everything else that might help you in your daily quest to master the English language.

How much would you pay to go to the moon?

WordPress writing prompt

How much would you pay to go to the moon?

I have written once
We are the masters
of two small islands:
One of carton trees
and hollowed plastic flowers
and One
where the moon lives.
Trapeze artist of the Moon

Humanity has long been captivated by the concept of journeying to the Moon. From the early days of the space race to today’s conversations about commercial space flight, the Moon has remained an enticing destination. But how much are you prepared to spend for a trip to the Moon? This subject is becoming more significant than ever as technology progresses and the space travel business expands.

Key takeaways
The distance between the Moon and Earth is approximately 238,855 miles. The price of a lunar excursion is influenced by the duration of the journey and the amount of energy needed for the trip.
Spacecraft for lunar missions must be equipped with life support systems, food, and other necessary supplies for the journey. The price of these accommodations can be quite high.

Grown-ups love figures

Le Petit Prince was published on April 6, 1943 in the United States, in English and a few days later in French, at Editions Reynal & Hitchcock.

“Grown-ups love figures… When you tell them you’ve made a new friend they never ask you any questions about essential matters. They never say to you “What does his voice sound like? What games does he love best? Does he collect butterflies? ” Instead they demand “How old is he? How much does he weigh? How much money does his father make? ” Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Art source – Facebook