Tag Archives: Christian Schloe art tribute

Pay with a poem!

Multiple facets
of benevolence, friendship and kindness
have been engraved
on my heart
whose green veins tremble
with happiness and delight
at seeing, reading and admiring
your exquisite words-of-art and flowing imagery
Here … on Blue Insights.

Your minds drew letters
Upon my soul
I will wear them always
To humble and subdue
All the shimmers of the world.

This is my modest “payment” for the beauty and joy you have given me through knowing you and your beautiful art and my “currency” in thanking you for reading, appreciating and highlighting my words.

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.
Thank you for reading!

Featured on Blue Insights, a Medium publication.

Art – Christian Schloe. Source: Pinterest


Hope is a wounded seagull
perched on a blue cliff
in mid storm.

It is the beautiful girl giving you a smile
and words that smell like midnight lilies.

Hope is the nadir
of this imperfect world.

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.

My latest poem at Poetry’s Home, a Medium publication.

Art by Christian Schloe. Source: Facebook

Writer for a new Medium publication

I am honored to have been invited to write for another Medium publication, Literary Impulse.
A community space for LITERARY FICTION, POETRY, PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS AND DIALOGUE with a mission of ‘social change through creative endeavours’.

Over the years, writing has shaped my inner and outer life.
I started writing because of pain…
“To write with the truth of pain in your mouth is gruesome poetry … You’ll have to cut out your heart with every word and show it to the world, then hope it will heal. This is how the light gets in, also the dark. To acknowledge fear, defeat, despair and pretend serenity of a lesson learned while patching up the wounds is … Life.” – Tyrannosaurus Writing

Then I kept on writing because:
“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing

Presently I write for the following Medium publications: Blue Insights (to which I am also editor), Poetry’s Home, My Selections, Resistance Poetry, Intimately Intricate.

For me, writing is entering other worlds with my written words as keys.
Words open many doors. In written form or not.

Thank you for reading!

Also published on Substack.

Art by Christian Schloe. Source: Pinterest.