Tag Archives: Personal value proposition

Personal value proposition

“Your PVP, your personal value proposition, is how you impact your company.
It’s how your work changes the world.” – Gapingvoid

Content writers don’t write blog posts – they create stories.

Teachers don’t teach – they create stories and experiences.

Teachers create stories around you as a main character. You get to play many parts, one of which is to rewrite and retell your story in English. With “little” help from your teacher.

So when you come to the course, you know what story to weave.

There is no place for arrogance in the teaching. The only thing is changing the world of your students.

© Iulia Halatz

Art by Hans Andersen Brendekilde.

Iulia Halatz
She says: “Be the one who cares, make words so disruptive that they create new worlds, hopes and dreams. Even if we are unhappy dinosaurs and find shelter in an Iron Tale or ruminate about feeling too much, whilst declaring colorless apparel, we should take power and strength from our stories.”
Her published poems can be found in The Sudden Denouement Anthology Volume I.