Tag Archives: poetry on Medium


My words are all colours
I see them in greens and blues and reds and yellows.

A Green is for midsummer’s eve
A White is for a flower
A Blue is for you

And for me, I have TRUE.

“Truer” are the truths of hope
loaded with the guns of love.

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Featured on Blue Insights, a Medium.com publication.

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.
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Art — Marc Chagall, Lovers in the lilacs. Source: Facebook

Just a star

I want
Just a star
And then we are
The stars that twinkle
Close to the heart
Of snowy, blizzardy winter
arrested in the wish
Of never-ending shine.

Happy never-ending shine
of winter
and precious gifts!

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.
Thank you for reading!

Art – Jessica Boehman. Source: Pinterest

Also featured on Medium.com, the Blue Insights publication.

Tenderness is the currency of Love

If you want my love
Pay me in tenderness
Each day.

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.
Thank you for reading!

Art — Matrix of Love by Vladimir Kush. Source: Pinterest

Love Labyrinth

Labyrinth is called
The love
outstretching and unending
like the gusts
of fadeless despair…
Against the mild dews
in pure mornings.

Tomorrows spread
and dawn always
Whilst the scent of your
Love is immortal.

Love is not love
if created in a feeling
of today.

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.
Thank you for reading!
Also featured at Blue Insights, a Medium publication.
Art – Joaquim Mir — The Labyrinth. Source: Fineartamerica.com


Hope is a wounded seagull
perched on a blue cliff
in mid storm.

It is the beautiful girl giving you a smile
and words that smell like midnight lilies.

Hope is the nadir
of this imperfect world.

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.

My latest poem at Poetry’s Home, a Medium publication.

Art by Christian Schloe. Source: Facebook

The Sun Also Rises

The sun also rises
The fields also green
The stories are told
and hold
hearts in hands.

We survive and desire
The Moon to be ours
The Dreams to dawn true
The Time to stand and wait still
for sorrows to burn
in hollow trees
whose dead leaves endure
to give birth
To daffodils…

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.
Thank you for reading!

Art – William Samuel Schwartz — “The Last Rays”. Source: Facebook

Featured at Medium.com.

The Moon

“I’ll be looking at the moon, but I’ll be seeing you.” – Michael Ondaatje

In the evening
with my eyelashes
I kill all the events of the day
I choke perceptions and
reveries green
That could be real
Pending dream.

In the evening
with my fingers
I spin yarns
For your sweet bedlams…

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.

Art – Art by Yajuro Takashima. Source — Pinterest.

Also featured at Medium/ Blue Insights publication.

The Serpent Slayer

She quit pretending she needs a hero.
She is her hero
Her own sun and stars.
She is her sunset above the sea
She is her moon in late twilights
She is her words making pools of smiles
For whom she adores.

She is the serpent slayer
and every day is a day of thunder and love.

Thank you for reading!

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.

Art — Water snakes by Gustav Klimt. Source — Pinterest

Steal the Sun

Steal the sun
With gilded sincerity.

Place it in your heart
with silvery fingers.

Touch lives with the same warmth.
If you do not have money to decorate your life with precious artifacts, decorate life with precious deeds and meaningful words. Words that speak to hearts and make them see the precious artifacts they are.

©Iulia Halatz

Art – Serena Malyon,The Veil of Night

Also featured at Medium.com.