In lieu = instead of.
Customer-service staff to work half an hour more Mon-Thurs and have Friday p.m. free in lieu.
I am happy to offer you the package of 6 hours intensive English grammar course & 6 hours intensive communication course in English in lieu of payment for your services.
Va oferim cursul intensiv de gramatica limbii engleze si cursul intensiv de comunicare in engleza in sistem barter.
La cerere va oferim si alte cursuri de pe rafturile Magazinului de Engleza.
Barter = the system of exchanging goods, property, services, etc. for other goods without using money.
Suntem interesati sa colaboram mai ales cu firme de web design, publicitate, sali de sport…
Va asteptam propunerile de colaborare la 0722.841.053 sau
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