Monthly Archives: July 2018

SUDDEN DENOUEMENT PUBLICATIONS: Christine E. Ray’s Composition of a Woman

Leaves of life by the trailblazing Christine E. Ray

Her world is made of crystals, trees, charcoal, waves, randomness, indifference, turbulence and numbness, conquests and terrors, blood, flesh and tears, innumerable windpipes for ravenous hopes, painted dreams and never-lost-loves…
And when she gives a name to charcoal, it becomes a diamond.
Yes, her words have that power.

Composition of a Woman is currently available on,

Just Released! Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective

The Sudden Denouement Literary Collective is thrilled to announce the release of Anthology Volume I: Writings for the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective! This long-awaited anthology is a thoughtfully curated compendium of the best writing published online by the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective from its launch in August of 2016 through April 2018. It includes 138 pieces of cutting-edge poetry, prose and short fiction written by 29 diverse writers from England, Romania, Japan, India, Finland, the United States and Canada. Thirty-one of the 138 pieces were written exclusively for the Anthology. This volume captures the astonishing raw power of these individual and united poetic voices.

Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective

Proud to have contributed to alive words that create a world without maps:

I am delighted that five of my poems were included in the Sudden Denouement Anthology Volume I. The anthology is now available on and