Tag Archives: Kaoru Yamada

What are your fears about AI?

If you don’t master it, it will master you.

Progress is everything. AI is progress. Therefore, AI will be in everything. I love progress and new things.
Nevertheless, new things create new questions..

Will bots replace you? Is using ChatGPT to compose an email ethical? Eat rocks if Google’s searchbot says so? (No.)

Despite adults’ concerns, many youngsters are already experiencing generative AI. Snapchat and Instagram have it; iPhones and Chromebooks will get it.

“More than a decade on, adults are still trying to unravel what smartphones and social media did—and do—to young people,” If anything, worry over their impact on youth and mental health has increased. Today’s parents face various tech backlash waves due to AI.

Of sure, worries are valid. Young people may benefit from AI: using it ethically and under surveillance could be the answer.

Many a time, I have asked myself this question: How will AI shape our lives? Will it also transform our mental lives? Maybe. However, the foundation of such physical realities is neither solid nor sturdy. However, AI can influence our perceptions, causing us to see what we want to see rather than what is actually in front of us. Or, the other way around. Because sometimes we see what we want to see and not what is in front of us. 
We are humans, not robots.

In my opinion, the AI can shape realities from the point of view of perceptions.
We have access to a vast amount of information. What will we do with it?

We live in the age of choices.
“Beyond the age of information is the age of choices.” – Charles Eames

Next article form our AI Series is dedicated to human writing vs AI writing. Stay tuned!


Please read another AI article: Do not rely on AI!

Art – Kaoru Yamada

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