Tag Archives: word of the day

Engleza de joi/ Linchpin

Linchpin  – a person or thing that is the most important part of an organization, a plan, etc., because everything else depends on them or it.

What/Who is the linchpin of your activity?


The linchpin of happiness = a new spring?



Trees in the arms of Spring by Vincent Van Gogh.


Engleza de septembrie/ The ins and outs

The ins and outs (of something) = all the details, especially the complicated or difficult ones.


To have an in with somebody = to have influence with somebody.

An in to something = a way into something.

On this blog I present the ins and outs of my business, the English Shop.


Engleza de august/ fogdog

Fogdog =  a bright spot sometimes seen in a fog bank.

First we sleep with windows shut to cooler nights and we guess the last warmths in the trees being kissed red and yellow…

Then the sun’s imprisonment in a casket of fog… October is the beginning of times



Painting by Alexander Dzigurski.
