Word Debt

Words are everywhere … They float about and run towards us since forever and shape our fragile childhood dreams.
Words make us humane. Our entire being is constructed upon words.
And then we become in debt… We owe a “Good morning”, a “Good night”, a “I miss you”, a “I love you”, a “Thank you”, “A beautiful day!” … if we are lucky.

Words storm over us in apprehension of our hearts. We name feelings, colors, sentiments, and passions. We imagine stories and name our heroes. We become enchanted and share our stories in the limelight. We fall in love.

We owe nothing but WORDS. And promises, commitments, visions, dreams and magic…

A flock of words travels to us every day. Some we hear. Some are left in a deaf haze, unanswered, and alone.

Words are powerful. Yet they need a power which does not lie within themselves. As it lies within you. Give power to your words! Shape them clear and make them swift, concise and lasting.

I run a word business. No matter how much I give, I am still in debt… For many years and many blissful days. I give power to your words and shape them correctly in sentences free of doubt and alive with promises… We always keep.

I am delighted that a small portion of this debt has been paid as five of my poems were included in the Sudden Denouement Anthology Volume I. The anthology is now available on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.

I am honored and thrilled to have my poems featured in a new collection of poetry and prose – Darker Objects from Indie Blu(e) Publishing.

Art – Inspiration By Michael Cheval.

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