Information about our courses and useful tips and tricks for English learners.
Stories about writing, copywriting, and content strategy
Articles about artificial intelligence, its strategies, and how to incorporate it into your daily tasks
Tips for job seekers
YouTube videos about trending news, English grammar, the global economy, new English vocabulary, business development, and essential economic concepts are available.
Expedia travel links
My poems – My Invisible Stories. I use my imagination “dancing dragons in the sky” for love, life quotes, feelings and tall stories. As stories are our meat and our magic. We live by them and we charm with them.
The ins and outs of business, entrepreneurship, strategies, content writing and SEO copywriting, my courses, goals, passions, thoughts, my job.
“Pieces” of English…all dedicated to You…
Writing is a ladder. We write stories that unite – two people, two dreams, two companies at a time.
I am primarily a teacher of English and I am in love with words. I write stories. Simple stories. About dreams and goals, failure and foible, fallacy and reality, blossoming and withering. And I want to know about your passions and dreams, wishes and hopes, blossoming and flourishing…And the spears from life that make us glint. Nevertheless, I am a dreamer on a cloud. As dreams cost nothing… On ordinary days, I am a word-weaver for stories that build ladders. On the best of days, I just follow the seasons by means of bike, skis, or roller-skates. I am grateful to all colors of the world and to people who read, laugh, smile, and drop a line here.
I am delighted that five of my poems were included in the Sudden Denouement Anthology Volume I. The anthology is now available on and
I’m curious – are you aiming these courses at English people or Romanians?
Usually my clients are Romanian, nevertheless I have slightly different courses for foreigners 🙂
Excellent – well done! 🙂
Thank you!