Monthly Archives: July 2015

Biking in the happy city

I come in many shapes, one of them being the “extension” of a two-wheeled vehicle.
I am a keen biker and a keen photographer by my phone.
Hence the poor quality of my pictures.
Cycling is easier without the weight of a camera and if I fall, I can’t even begin to think about the damage inflicted …upon my camera :).




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I live

I live in a snug den

into the woods

In a clearing

where there are blues and yellows

in the flowers of the vale.


The stars see me dreaming

and rejoicing at you.

The fireflies curl

in my corners.


In springs

I go away with the daffodils

In autums

I ask fallen questions

to the harvest moon…


I live in the heart of your darkness

in the midst of your days

shuffling their feet to me…


I believe in green…

Rain in an oak forest Rain in an oak forest by Ivan Shishkin.

Engleza de joi/Flummoxed

Every Thursday comes with a new word.

Only that lately, every Thursday has come in surreptitious* mornings as a scorcher. I am flummoxed.

Flummoxed = confused, so that you do not know what to say or do.

Flummox is also a verb = to confuse somebody so that they do not know what to say or do (not being used in the progressive).

*surreptitious = done secretly or quickly, in the hope that other people will not notice.

As optimism is in the air, let’s feel refreshed by looking at this:

A garden with a sea view

Garden with a sea view by Ivan Fedorovich CHOULTSÉ.

How much creativity?

How much creativity does an English laguage course entail*?

As much as you want.

Or as much as you need to become fluent.

As a teacher I use my creativity to make you speak English and keep you “within the language”.

You should use your creativity to see beyond the words, to see the words and their connections in a sentence in English and not in your mother tongue.

Why do you think the “living” in a country is the easiest way of mastering the language?

Because there is nobody there to translate for you…


We can talk about creativity at my presentations. Expect a story or two.

Are you fluent in choosing your English?

Call +40722.841.053. Write at

Nest Tuesday story:  When creativity is not the answer?


Later Edit.

I write my poems in English as my way of regarding English is the way I am trying to make my students see it: as a wonderful language with an unambiguous grammar.






*to entail = to involve something that cannot be avoided.

Every day, a little dream

Larina's dream

I long for a dream,
within a dream
that clears the sight
of you.

I am asleep and asleep
I feel nothing
But the cradle of your arms
like orange snakes
thrashing fears around…

Black and white tale
Shall that be…

Every night a little dream
in the dead of sleep
in the depth of you…
Words spatter lights
in pools.
Do not squander their yellow glare
To guard you through winter…



Art –  Ivan Volkov, Tatiana Larina’s Dream from Pushkin’s ‘Eugene Onegin’, 1891.

Engleza de joi / Scorcher

Every Thursday comes with a new word. And lately with waves of heat and nights petrified in silent shades.

It is a real scorcher today!

A scorcher = a very hot day.

I like everything about the summer: the beginning of summer, the midsummer days and the dog days.

dog days = the hottest days of the summer.

Winter hold Julius von Klever

Photo: Winter’s hold by Julius von Klever.

Enjoy the dog days!

Gramatica:”I-ati” sau “Ia-ti” ?

Ofer cursuri de gramatica limbii engleze, dar mai povestesc si despre limba romana…

Am citit online: “I-ati diploma…” In acest context cratima este folosita gresit.

Cratima separa 2 lucruri/concepte diferite: verbul de pronume.

In exemplul dat “I-ati”...I este pronumele iar ati este verbul…Deci ar fi asa: voi ati.…Dar nu este corect pentru ca mesajul se adeseaza tie, nu voua…

Corect este: Ia-ti diploma…In care Ia este verbul a lua, iar ti vine de la tie-iti-ti = formele neaccentuate ale pronumelui personal. Ia-ti diploma = Tu iei diploma.

Ca ultim sfat: cand nu stii unde este cratima, separa cele 2 cuvinte: trebuie sa fie un pronume, de obicei forma neaccentuata si un verb (la persoana respectiva).

PS: Majoritatea greselilor apar din neatentie sau hipercorectitudine, nu neaparat din lipsa de informatie.

Mai povestim si cu alte ocazii :)))..

Va astept la curs (gramatica engleza in fiecare week-end).

Toate datele la 0722.841.053 iar programa va este oferita daca ne scrieti la


Engleza de joi / Kudos

Every Thursday comes with a word or phrase.

Today we have:

Kudos – the admiration and respect that goes with a particular achievement or position.

I bid you a wonderful evening!

May you find some answers…Perhaps this is what we are looking for: wonderful evenings and good answers.

Photo: Le port de Saint-Tropez au coucher du soleil Paul Signac 1892.

Le port de Saint-Tropez au coucher du soleil Signac