The story starts with “the pen is mightier than the sword” and we totally give in to it. Our words are the polisher of rough patches, the clearer of dark skies, the bridges for Human-to-Human interaction.
The prerequisite of a powerful business appeal is no longer connected to either B2C (business-to-customer) or B2B (business-to-business) but to H2H, Human-to-Human. We are all story tellers and we need to gather (and charm) audiences everywhere. We cannot live outside a story, for it can be our own life story, or the story we have created. Even if you sell ski gear, the props of a story represent the frame on which you start building and selling.
What if your story fails? And your words are dying slowly and rot in places unknown. What if our stories contradict others and fall to pieces? There will be always moments when our words are not enough, when we are not enough due to the limitations of some obsolete measurements in quality. Or success. Or the money measurement for success. Would we turn into knights (from gardeners)?
“Author Cassidy Dale points out that many people are either knights or gardeners. The knights view the world as a cataclysmic conflict with winners and losers, with battles to be fought, and with right and wrong as the dominant drivers. Gardeners, on the other hand, have the instinct to look for ways to heal, to connect, and to grow the people they encounter.”
– Seth Godin
I admit I sometimes fight… with my hat. I put it on and leave. They are not wrong and I am right, just my pen is incomplete. So, (I hope) I am still a gardener.
How would you fight? With the crafted spears of a magnificent simple idea?
Find another pen and Demonstrate. Find new words that breathe and start with the truest sentence that you know and put on a show. Simplify! For every simple idea, use demonstrations, figures, results, skills acquired. Demonstrate your mission and show your vision and their power. Show that you can move a mountain or fly over it.
– Iulia Halatz
Michael Cheval