Category Archives: Custom-made letters

Just Write

I started writing by chance. I started writing poems for quieting my sorrows and burns caused by difficult waves of life.

Writing is
quieting the burns
from people’s thoughts and deeds
And dissolving
all knowledge
that this will
ever happen…
Writing (an old poem)

One of the most cherished moments in my life is when I bring pen and paper to the beach and watch the waves incessantly, as my mind becomes a canvas for ideas to gallop freely.

In a more prosaic approach, everybody must make a habit of writing, whether is:

Writing can clear your mind, refine your ideas, develop your thoughts, and help you see things clearly.
It has been demonstrated that a written goal is half-fulfilled. 

Why don’t you try?
Just write!
Start Now!

Our creative writing courses are open to you:
Personalized one-on-one lessons or group classes are available.

Art – George Clausen

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is writing text (or ‘copy’) typically used for marketing. According to LinkedIn, the goal of a professional copywriter is to inspire business leads to take the actions needed to become clients. They add that the best copywriters take readers on journeys that educate while they persuade – a skill that requires them to write creatively while thinking strategically.

Copywriting is the art and science of writing copy (words used on web pages, ads, promotional materials, etc.) that sells your product or service and convinces prospective customers to take action. In many ways, it is similar to employing a single salesperson to reach out to all of your clients. The sales team communicates with customers on an individual basis, while a copywriter can reach a larger audience through various channels such as billboards, magazine ads, sales letters, blog posts, and other means of communication.

Our definition is: “Copywriting is the art of putting available dreams into people’s minds.”

What is SEO copywriting?

SEO copywriting involves the art of storytelling by incorporating relevant keywords and phrases that can attract readers while also being optimized for search engines.
“The best SEO is great content,” Seth Godin explains.

Creating compelling SEO content can lead to higher visibility on search engines as Google rewards websites with higher search rankings for engaging content. By implementing this strategy, you can potentially attract more visitors to your website, some of whom may convert into paying customers.

We carry out on-page SEO by focusing on keyword density and creating customized content that is relevant to your industry. We conduct an SEO analysis and develop a keyword strategy that is tailored to the existing content.

We craft honest SEO copywriting stories and SEO copywriting strategies that we have learned the hard way. I learned SEO content strategies and SEO copywriting through trial and error, good writing skills (I also write in verse), hard work, and a good understanding of growth hacking strategies.

We use narrative and growth hacking tactics to create a lovable tale that also appeals to search engines. Growth hacking is the process of expanding your company via innovation and creativity. You also receive a website that speaks to your customers.

We create tales based on the important key phrases you’ll need in your presentation.

We may either recommend them after doing a complete SEO audit of your current content and conducting significant research on your field of activity.

Effective SEO copy is most useful for content like:

Website content
Blog posts
Landing pages
Product write-ups
Press releases
Sales pages

To be continued…

Art – Artus Scheiner – The Little Stars of Gold, 1921.

A beautiful spring!

When you catch a dream, you run after another in continuation of the first.

For you, Spring has built so much Love as to fill the sky with blue and the gardens with happy green.

I bid you to live the new days to the full and catch all your dreams in the most beautiful spring of your life!



'The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies', by Beatrix Potter.


Art – ‘The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies’, by Beatrix Potter (1909).

White Love Letter

Sarbatoarea iubirii e aproape.

Ti-ai dori sa oferi putin din bucuria ta persoanei care face soarele sa rasara pentru tine?

Iti scriem gandurile frumoase pe hartie si le infasuram in praf de stele.


Pretul pentru o scrisoare personalizata (cerneala pe foaie de calc) in limba romana sau engleza este 25 lei, pret promotional. Transportul este gratuit in Bucuresti (o zi sau doua, livram si in weekend :D). Tel: +40722.841.053  E-mail:

Va asteptam!


“Meanwhile with the help of an anecdote I fell in love. Words…. They have a power.”
― Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient.


The poetic trip

The poetic trip that one takes
is looking at the moon
in laughter
through the palms
of the palm tree.

And the Orion constellation
shimmering stars down
engulfs you in light.

I stop in thought
of a better place
As the trails of stars are reminders…

The poetic trip is
When you find the air
that smells like cypresses and wild withered flowers
and the golden breeze fretting secrets
that we only know.


This poem has become a bespoke present for a beautiful person.










As I don’t go with the flow, I wouldn’t write about trendy topics, I stick to the less fashionable words in English…Hence my invisible stories, my monthly words and my daily English courses.

I have become an entrepreneur out of love for English…For speaking English with my students.  I have been creating new skills.

I have continuously proven myself. I am the person at the coalface.

My credo in being entrepreneurial is “Nobody can copy the work”.

Some can copy your ideas but nobody can work as hard as you do…You are the person at the coalface.

As it has been said: 1% inspiration & 99% perspiration.

What I have learned in 2015:

You tackle problems with your skills. They are enough to make do.

If your imagination speaks to you, LISTEN! As imagination makes the invisible, visible. Consequently, some of my invisible stories have become visible:






I bid you a Blissful New Year full of challenges and simple blue solutions, irresistible ideas and charming people, stories to tell and listen and huge heaps of SMILES.



“Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kidergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books of algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the ‘creative bug’ is just a wee voice telling you, ‘I’d like my crayons back, please.”
Hugh MacLeod


Maybe I have had my crayons back….

My visible white stories in the making:



White Winter Letters

Today I declare the start of the White Winter Letters’ season!

All my customers (&dear people) will get a white story in a customized letter in my customized handwriting… As without customization my handwriting is as unfathomable as the hieroglyphs before Champollion.

The first heap of stories:

White winter stories






White winter stories2

Now I need the services of a courier company employing owls, in order to get them delivered before the Holidays….