English for autumn. The English grammar course.
I don’t care where I work. I am a machine. A machine of talking you into* English grammar & words.
I only need:
- a whiteboard
- few felt-tip pens.
You only need:
- 6 hours or so
- patience
- joyous expectations.
Do not forget to smile as You welcome me into your life to solve the tiniest of problems. International Comunication.
Dacă nu stii gramatica limbii engleze, nu te poti exprima corect!
Cursul intensiv de gramatica limbii engleze se organizeaza in Bucuresti dar si in Cluj, Bacau, Iasi, Constanta, Pitesti, Ploiesti, Brasov daca la sediul companiei tale sunt 7 persoane interesate de comunicare in engleza.
Acest curs de organizeaza si in sistem de curs individual (la cerere).
Materialele de curs sunt gratuite.
Book now: +40722.841.053 & contact@cursinengleza.ro.
There are many useful words on this blog:
*Talk into = to persuade somebody to do/ not to do something.