The Merman’s Rhyme
written by: Iulia Halatz
He has no love
but music
and cold whispering trees
that were in bloom
under the last dim moon.
He has seen
the unseizable moors
that glitter and dance
in the wandering waves.
He has crossed his Rubicon
The enchantress’ songs
took him along
until he crossed the line of
glimmering waters and fog
with a feral nod.
Photo: Sunrise in Zakynthos
Iulia Halatz
She says: “Be the one who cares, make words so disruptive that they create new worlds, hopes and dreams. Even if we are unhappy dinosaurs and find shelter in an Iron Tale or ruminate about feeling too much, whilst declaring colorless apparel, we should take power and strength from our stories.”
Her published poems can be found in The Sudden Denouement Anthology Volume I.