How much would you pay to go to the moon?

WordPress writing prompt

How much would you pay to go to the moon?

I have written once
We are the masters
of two small islands:
One of carton trees
and hollowed plastic flowers
and One
where the moon lives.
Trapeze artist of the Moon

Humanity has long been captivated by the concept of journeying to the Moon. From the early days of the space race to today’s conversations about commercial space flight, the Moon has remained an enticing destination. But how much are you prepared to spend for a trip to the Moon? This subject is becoming more significant than ever as technology progresses and the space travel business expands.

Key takeaways
The distance between the Moon and Earth is approximately 238,855 miles. The price of a lunar excursion is influenced by the duration of the journey and the amount of energy needed for the trip.
Spacecraft for lunar missions must be equipped with life support systems, food, and other necessary supplies for the journey. The price of these accommodations can be quite high.

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