Tag Archives: YouTube channel

New Video: How Many vs. How Much!

✨Check out our latest video about “how many” and “how much”!

🔔Master English Grammar: How Many vs. How Much!


👋Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #ChiefFairyTalerOfficer
#translator #journalist

💆Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.

💆We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.

✨Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please include a note in your connection request.

Photo by the author.

New video about the Phrasal Verbs in English!

🔔New video about the Phrasal Verbs in English!

🔔Mastering Common Phrasal Verbs: A Fun Explainer!

➡️Phrasal verbs are two or more words that together act as a completely new verb with a meaning separate from those of the original words. For example, pick up means to grab or lift, very different from the definitions of pick and up alone.

➡️Popular in spoken English, phrasal verbs can be quite confusing because their definitions aren’t always easy to guess—and there are thousands of them. In fact, many of the base verbs used to form phrasal verbs are used in multiple different phrasal verbs with distinct meanings, which can add to the confusion.

➡️For multilingual speakers, in particular, phrasal verbs are one of the most difficult topics in learning English. To help simplify this complicated subject, what follows is our guide to understanding English phrasal verbs, including a list of the most common ones.


🔔Welcome to the most informative YouTube channel for English learners!

🔔As a passionate writer, I recognize the immense value of video content in today’s digital landscape. To enhance my teaching, I have embraced AI-generated video content, even though filmmaking isn’t my forte. By leveraging AI technology, I transform my articles into engaging videos, providing a rich resource for my students to continue their learning journey beyond the classroom. My video content covers a variety of topics, including trending news, the global economy, new English vocabulary, and essential economic concepts. Join me in exploring these subjects to support your quest for mastering the English language!

🔔Follow our channel for more: / @iuliahalatz6344
📞 0722 841 053
📨 contact@cursinengleza.ro

Photo by the author.

10 Surprising Facts About Wedding Traditions and Where They Came From

My students’ stories inspired me to create a new video that explores surprising facts about wedding traditions and their origins.



Photo – Pexels.com

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper

We can work together to craft your personalized content and polish your English speaking skills!
Without good English, there’s no path forward!

Join our courses!
📞 0722 841 053
📨 contact@cursinengleza.ro

PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free sessions, or ask me a question, please include a note in your connection request.

Tips For Job Seekers: Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

Here are some teacher interview questions and answers for both new and experienced teacher applicants looking to get their dream position.

Also, we think that knowing what is required in our company will be extremely beneficial.

How can you prepare students for standardized assessments?

Standardised testing is used at practically all levels. You should be able to determine the name of the exam as well as its format. You will get additional credit if you explain it using some of the experiments you conducted with your students.
For us, standardised testing for IELTS, ILEC, BEC, and ICFE is of utmost importance.

Explain what is co-teaching?

Co-teaching is a unique approach in which two or more educators work together to provide instruction on the same subject. Students may appreciate co-teaching since it allows them to learn about a subject from several perspectives.

What would be your classroom management structure if you are hired?

What are some successful classroom management techniques?

To be continued…

Check out the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcJmxWm8KE4


Looking to level up your English-speaking game? Whether it’s nailing those corporate presentations, acing employment interviews, or slaying any public speaking situation, I’m here to help you shine! Let’s unlock your full potential together!

Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5Y2UyeID8uVRuLD1-OxuF-0lbIDkap53MJxFQ34ucMuQ44g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com.

What Is the American Dream?

What is the American Dream?
The term “American dream” refers to the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society in which upward mobility is possible for everyone.

The American dream is believed to be achieved through sacrifice, risk-taking, and hard work, rather than by chance.

Journalist and historian James Truslow Adams first used the word in his best-selling 1931 book “Epic of America.” He described it as “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.”

Adams went on to explain: “It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motorcars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.”

In a future article, we will explore the American dream as reflected in literature. 

Check out my video for more information:

I create videos about trending news, the worldwide economy, new English words, economic concepts, SEO concepts, writing tips, and everything else that might help you in your daily quest to master the English language.

Join our courses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5Y2UyeID8uVRuLD1-OxuF-0lbIDkap53MJxFQ34ucMuQ44g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Photo by Destiny Finn: https://www.pexels.com/photo/mount-rushmore-national-memorial-in-america-9798985/

Do you enjoy watching films and TV shows in English?

Do you enjoy watching films and TV shows in English?

Which are your favorites?
Check out our latest video about Bridgerton!


I also enjoy watching Midsomer Murders, Mad Men, Mare of Easttown, House of Cards, Yellowstone, True Detective.
In this collaborative essay on perfumes and films on Fragrantica, I explored True Detective, Season 4.
Movies to Smell: Fragrantica Editors Share Their Favorites. Part I

Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-and-woman-holding-each-other-6899936/

My latest video about the Drake Passage

On maps, the spindly arms of Cape Horn and the Antarctic Peninsula reach out to grasp one another, separated only by the Drake Passage, which is named after Sir Francis Drake, a 16th-century English explorer who had also been involved in the slave trade. Some prefer to call it Mar de Hoces, in reference to the Spanish sailor Francisco de Hoces, who may have reached this part of the world 50 years before Drake. 

Sir Francis Drake (born c. 1540–43, Devonshire, England—died January 28, 1596, at sea, off Puerto Bello, Panama) was an English admiral who circumnavigated the globe (1577–80) and was the most renowned seaman of the Elizabethan Age. – Britannica

Some of the world’s strongest ocean currents flow through the Drake Passage, and huge rogue waves have caused the deaths of passengers on ships there as recently as 2022. Some voyagers have reported waves in excess of 65 feet.


Do not forget to follow my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@iuliahalatz6344.
I create videos about trending news, the worldwide economy, new English words, economic concepts, SEO concepts, writing tips, and everything else that might help you in your daily quest to master the English language.

Photo by Matheus Bertelli: https://www.pexels.com/photo/foamy-cold-waves-and-ice-in-ocean-4558579/

What is the difference between link and hyperlink?

The terms “link” and “hyperlink” are related concepts used in the context of the internet and digital technology. Here’s an explanation of the difference between the two:

A link is a reference or connection between two separate pieces of information or data. A link is typically a clickable element on a webpage that directs the user to another webpage, resource, or location within the same webpage.
Links can be textual (e.g., a word or phrase that is clickable) or graphical (e.g., an image or button that is clickable).
Links can point to various destinations, such as other web pages, images, documents, videos, or specific sections within a webpage.

The purpose of a hyperlink is to facilitate navigation between various web pages or resources on the internet.
Typically, HTML code creates hyperlinks, which are clickable elements that direct the user to the specified destination when clicked.
Although people frequently use the term “hyperlink” interchangeably with “link,” it specifically refers to links that connect web pages or online resources.
In summary, all hyperlinks are links, but not all links are hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are a subset of links that specifically refer to clickable elements on web pages that direct users to other web pages or resources on the internet.

Check out my video for more information: https://youtu.be/cSWyTkpMsGo?si=Icda4k17-9ajq6Gy

Vă așteptăm la cursurile noastre de limba engleză pentru orice specialitate: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5Y2UyeID8uVRuLD1-OxuF-0lbIDkap53MJxFQ34ucMuQ44g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Photo by the author.

House of the Dragon S2 Premiere: A New Era of Shock and Taste!

Within the spidery dialect of modern TV executives, there exists a sacred concept: the so-called watercooler moment. The phrase refers to a moment in a TV episode that becomes a point of widespread, fervent discussion – something that hypothetical office workers would discuss the morning after, while standing around their hypothetical drink dispenser, back when such a thing existed. For years, Game of Thrones was so chock-full of Watercooler Moments you would think it was getting kickbacks from Highland Spring.

Plese check my video about House of the Dragon S2 Premiere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S3n9w7K874

Do not forget to follow our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@iuliahalatz6344.
I create videos about trending news, the worldwide economy, new English words, economic concepts, and everything else that might help you in your daily quest to master the English language.

Photo by Joshua Roberts: www.pexels.com