
“That’s the place to get to-nowhere. One wants to wander away from the world’s somewhere, into our own nowhere.”
D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love, 1920

Words get to-nowhere, but they come from Erehown (an anagram for Nowhere in Samuel Butler’s brilliant imagination). This book is not about an era when time was great and people small, but about a time when people were great. Still are…
Erehown is where now-words sound the same or better in 200 years time.

They get to nowhere because my words describe my feelings sieved thru the alphabet, or is it a syllabary? Just feeling in a heavy coat of letters and knowledge in two hundred years of green.

There is a story to it.
I graduated the Faculty of Letters in late 90s. I have a BA in English.
But the experience papers are full to the brim. One of them taught me basically everything I needed to know about writing.
A brilliant professor asked us to write an essay about the last part of Gulliver’s Travels (A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms). In doing so, he “drew” in a pie chart the trends in Philosophy (empiricism and rationalism) he wanted us to assess in our essays with a view to Part IV of Gulliver’s Travels.

Guess what? We embraced the old ways and produced a melting pot of traditional views on the topic. The essay was one step to sitting in the final exam, which we (already) failed.
Finally, we put our minds to it, accepted his brilliant vision and ‘learned to think anew”.
It is just an example of an inspired mistake that moved us forward.

Imagination doesn’t deal writing with an even hand. Your words must be true and woven on the steps others have built for you. It is unifying and putting things together. If I am not mistaken, this is Steve Jobs definition of creativity: “Creativity is just connecting things.”

Connect everything you know and love in a tale.
Connect the answers for “What do you love?” and “What are you good at?” in one single simple tale. It is fascinating how much you can learn about you, your skills, your abysses, your humanity that can be of help to others.

“By union the smallest states thrive. By discord the greatest are destroyed.” – Sallust
We write stories that unite – two people, two dreams, two companies at a time.
And guess what? I teach English in graphs (and tables).

We write stories to survive and

Art by a powerful character who paints postmodern myths – Tatiana Kazakova.

© Iulia Halatz

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