Tag Archives: Iulia Halatz

Jobs Of The Week: 3 February – 9 February

💥As I love leafing through job adverts, I have thought of launching a weekly edition about worldwide jobs. I will post this newsletter every Monday!

💥Question Of The Week: How can you improve your writing skills?
I have been asked to write more about copywriting and developing writings skills. Read more in my article: https://blog.seocopywriting.ro/2024/11/03/writing-tips/.

💥The jobs that picked my attention this week:

⚡️Immediate Media Co. in the UK is looking for freelance product review writers for Good Food and Olive Magazine

⚡️Stylist in the UK is looking for a freelance writer who experiences “food noise”

⚡️Ten Speed in the US is looking for freelance writers across a variety of niches including B2B SaaS, cloud services, engineering, artificial intelligence, computer science, and cryptocurrency

⚡️Third Street Digital in the US is looking for a US-based freelance grant writer to help them gain additional funding.

⚡️The Global Alliance for the Future of Food in the US is looking for freelance writers who have worked on and published people-centered stories on the interconnected themes of food, climate, nature, and livelihoods (especially keen to hear from writers in the Global South)

⚡️Calligaris S.p.A. in Italy is looking for a freelance content writer who can write engaging stories

⚡️How to Geek in Canada is looking for freelance writers to cover automotive, science/space, entertainment, or gaming

⚡️Alaska Airlines in the US is looking for freelance social-first copywriters

⚡️Good Signals, a digital marketing company, is looking for freelance copywriters

⚡️Microsoft is looking for a contract content writer ($29 – $33/hour).

⚡️TC Marketing, a boutique marketing agency, is looking for a freelance content creator ($500/client/month).

⚡️F21 digital in Bucharest, Romania is looking for a Junior Content Creator for Social Media.

⚡️Archer – The IT Recruitment Consultancy in Dublin is looking for a Technical Writer – Part Time Contract.

May you have the best of luck!

See you next week!

✨Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #premiumlegalEnglishteacher #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💥Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
💥We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
⚡️Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please call or write:

Photo – Pexels.com

Exciting News: Launching A Book Club In English!

I love reading!
I dedicate 50% of my time to reading.

What I absolutely love is that I live not here with you, friends, family, clients, collaborators, and other wonderful people, but in other places where jaw-dropping landscapes and memorable characters shine.

I love the feeling that when writing about a topic, I get a tentacle that draws me into a story that I read a long time ago. That familiar air stops me in my word tracks.

I was very lucky to grow up in a house full of books…

I have written more about my reading passion in this article on Fragrantica: What Three Fragrances Would You Take On A Desert Island?

All the details about this new Book Club will be published soon.

Art – Kaoru Yamada (Japanese, 1975)

Jobs Of The Week: 27 January – 2 February

💥As I love leafing through job adverts, I have thought of launching a weekly edition about worldwide jobs. I will post this newsletter every Monday!

💥Question Of The Week: How do you tackle writer’s block?
Writer’s block is the condition of being unable to create a piece of written work because something in your mind prevents you from doing it.
The term was coined in 1947 by Dr Edmund Bergler, a famous Austrian psychiatrist living in New York City. Read the full article: https://blog.seocopywriting.ro/2023/05/15/the-writers-block/.

💥The jobs that picked my attention this week:

⚡️WordPress in the US is looking for freelance writers with B2B SaaS experience.

⚡️Qnary in Spain is looking for a freelance native German content writer to create short-form social media content for high-level execs.

⚡️Gym Shark Central in the UK is looking for freelance writers who are passionate and qualified to write about fitness, nutrition, style, or trends.

⚡️Potato Chip in the US is looking for freelance junior to mid-level copywriters with healthcare/pharma writing experience of a STEM background.

⚡️Dar Global in Dubai is looking for a freelance copywriter with experience in real estate.

⚡️ Verge Monarch is looking for a freelance investigative journalist to cover the music industry.

⚡️Texas Choice Solutions is looking for a contract grant writer for home delivered meals.

⚡️Mason Rizzo is looking for a freelance scriptwriter at Rizzo Media, a digital media company.

⚡️Hillhouse Creative in the US is looking for a freelance copywriter to write impactful stories for nonprofits — $1,500 per month.

May you have the best of luck!

See you next week!

✨Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #premiumlegalEnglishteacher #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💥Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
💥We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
⚡️Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please call or write:

Photo – Pexels


What Is Moral Hazard?

Moral hazard is the risk that a party has not entered into a contract in good faith or has provided misleading information about its assets, liabilities, or credit capacity. In addition, moral hazard also may mean a party has an incentive to take unusual risks in a desperate attempt to earn a profit before the contract settles.

Moral hazards can be present anytime two parties come into agreement with one another. Each party in a contract may have the opportunity to gain from acting contrary to the principles laid out by the agreement.

Anytime a party in an agreement does not have to suffer the potential consequences of a risk, the likelihood of a moral hazard increases.
Check out other legal English topics: https://blog.seocopywriting.ro/2025/01/15/topics-for-our-legal-english-courses-opening-statements/
✨Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #premiumlegalEnglishteacher #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💥Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
💥We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
⚡️Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please call or write:


Jobs Of The Week: 13 January – 19 January

💥As I love leafing through job adverts, I have thought of launching a weekly edition about worldwide jobs. I will post this newsletter every Sunday morning!

💥Question Of The Week: What are a few good topics for creative writing?

⚡️Writing Prompts
⚡️The best blogs on various fields of interest for your (my) readers
⚡️AI challenges in my AI series
⚡️International developments
⚡️How to …
⚡️Cover letters prompts
⚡️The best blogs on writing effective copy
Read more in my article: https://blog.seocopywriting.ro/2024/06/06/what-are-a-few-good-topics-for-creative-writing/

💥The jobs that picked my attention this week:

⚡️Appstem in the US is looking for a freelance technical copywriter: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/robertcarmstrong_appstem-is-looking-for-a-freelance-technical-activity-7283576867406692352-tyMn?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop&_bhlid=421bf4047890296f0af77a5af0cebbf8d5ab8a65.

⚡️Tasty in the US is looking for food and cooking-obsessed freelance writers to take on regular assignments: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ross-yoder_are-you-a-food-or-cooking-obsessed-freelance-activity-7285821756777353216-3-LY/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop&_bhlid=4ce7694f70033cc4f893961a8ef728d5bf230a42.

⚡️The RFP House in Canada is looking for a freelance proposal writer — $40 per hour: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/the-rfp-house_freelance-proposal-writer-remote-indeedcom-activity-7285771231956475904-F-zo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop&_bhlid=dfcc93a03f8300a8fd6dfe163cd1f22be1b034ba.

⚡️Zeit Sprachen in Germany is looking for freelance journalists who have experience studying at a German university: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rachel-preece_freelancejournalists-freelancework-activity-7284888484761276416-lKpo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop&_bhlid=fe105a08bae013ca992f1ba7567025d1ac0ebb04.

⚡️Carol Ott is looking for freelance journalists at Habitat Magazine, a publisher of real estate resources: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/carol-ott-139b8813_habitat-magazine-is-looking-for-a-few-journalists-activity-7285672638876680193-Mmf0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop&_bhlid=ea4af2d6a7c19941d8d26fe13f9bc5569cd9cf72.

⚡️Danny Wright is looking for a freelance football writer at Breaking Media: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7285960341883084801/?utm_source=www.freelanceframework.com&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=10-freelance-writing-gigs&_bhlid=30a4dc6b7d08f49d0bfe5562205cdb065654f45b.

May you have the best of luck!

Check out my Substack newsletter too! https://iulia.substack.com/

See you next week!

✨Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #premiumlegalEnglishteacher #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💥Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
💥We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
⚡️Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please call or write:

Photo – Pexels

Premium English Trainer

A big misconception with freelance talent is that you’re paying for their time.

You aren’t.

You’re paying for their availability.

Canceling a booking at the last minute due to a client’s project postponement does not absolve you of the responsibility to compensate the freelancer you have hired.

They have probably adjusted their plans to accommodate your needs and turned down other opportunities to prioritize working with you.

They have made themselves accessible for you, and this is what you are reserving and compensating for.


✨Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #premiumlegalEnglishteacher #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💥Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
💥We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
⚡️Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please include a note in your connection request.

Photo by the author.



💥What is misfeasance?
Limited company directors enjoy various protections which ensure they are not personally liable for their company’s debts.

For this to work fairly, directors are legally required to adhere to legal and fiduciary duties.

Put simply, directors must act in the best interests of the company (adhering to and understanding Sections 170 – 177 of the Companies Act 2006).

💥Failing to do so could result in a misfeasance claim.

Typical misfeasance claims involve the misuse (e.g. misapplication or retention) of company money or property by a director or ex-director, violating their fiduciary duty.

💥Misfeasance and insolvency
Misfeasance is closely linked to insolvency.

When a company becomes insolvent, a liquidator is appointed. While we know that company insolvency can occur without individual fault or malpractice, the liquidator will closely scrutinise the actions of the directors in the lead up to the company’s failure.

If it is revealed that a director has failed in their fiduciary duties and committed misfeasance, the liquidator will sue the director to recover company debts.

Note: since 2015 the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act has given creditors and administrators the right to make misfeasance claims alongside insolvency practitioners.

💥Examples of misfeasance
Although often bundled together (and can take place concurrently), misfeasance generally concerns the misapplication of funds or company property as opposed to the more tax-focused and book-keeping elements of wrongful trading.

Four common examples are:

⚡️Hiding assets – a director might attempt to hide assets from the liquidator to reduce creditor returns and personally gain from selling the assets themselves

⚡️Taking an excessive salary – if a director takes a salary that is evidently unsustainable when a business is in financial difficulty, they may be seen to have contributed to the company’s failings

⚡️Transactions at undervalue – should a director sell company assets for less than their market value, particularly to a friend or family member, it may be deemed that they are attempting to avoid the inclusion of said assets in the liquidation process and lead to a claim of misfeasance

⚡️Preferential payments – misfeasance may also have occurred if a director repays a particular creditor ahead of other creditors (generally as a result of having made a personal guarantee).

✨Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #premiumlegalEnglishteacher #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💥Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
💥We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
⚡️Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please include a note in your connection request.

Photo by the author.

Jobs Of The Week: 30 December – 5 January

💥As I love leafing through job adverts, I have thought of launching a weekly edition about worldwide jobs. I will post this newsletter every Sunday morning!

💥Question Of The Week:
How do you set goals at the start of the year for your freelance writing business?

⚡️Review Past Successes and Failures: Analyze your previous year’s performance. What projects were most successful? Where did you face challenges? What lessons can you learn for the future?
⚡️Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Determine your areas of expertise and where you need improvement. This could include specific writing skills, industry knowledge, or business practices.
⚡️Analyze Your Client Base: Who are your ideal clients? Which ones bring you the most satisfaction and revenue? Are there any types of clients you’d like to attract more of?

💥The jobs that picked my attention this week:

⚡️Senior Copywriter, Remote Job, at Podium
All the information is available on the link below:

⚡️Policy Manager (Misinformation), at Full Fact (for UK based writers)
Check the link for all the details: https://fullfact.teamtailor.com/jobs/5315307-policy-manager-misinformation

⚡️The Food Section in the US is looking for pitches on stories covering food and drink experiences in the South — $1058 for 1,200 words
Check the link below:

May you have the best of luck!

Check my Substack newsletter too! https://iulia.substack.com/p/jobs-of-the-week-30-december-5-january

See you next week!

✨Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💥Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
💥We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
⚡️Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please include a note in your connection request.

Photo – Pexels

For Our German Readers: Most Read Articles of 2024!

Für unsere deutschen Leser: Die meistgelesenen Artikel des Jahres 2024!

KI-Kunst: Was sind deine Ängste bezüglich KI?

Im Moment ist KI-Kunst nicht besonders interessant. Es ist cool, dass Computerwerkzeuge jedes Wort in ein Bild verwandeln können, einerseits. Andererseits werden diese Bilder so oft verwendet, dass sie zu einer neuen Art von digitalem Müll geworden sind, den die Menschen in sozialen Medien und auf anderen Websites sehen, aber der ihnen nichts zurückgibt.

Ich stimme zu, dass „zwei Jahre nach dem Boom der generativen KI die Kreationen dieser Programme technisch fortschrittlicher erscheinen… aber sie sind an eine bestimmte Ästhetik gebunden.“Diese Modelle erzeugen standardmäßig normalerweise Bilder mit reichen, brillanten Farben, attraktiven Individuen, die praktisch wie Comicfiguren aussehen, und dramatischer Beleuchtung.

Sie alle zeigen deutliche Anzeichen von KI-Kunst, die in den letzten Jahren dank Midjourney und DALL-E populär geworden ist.

Obwohl ich mich nicht besonders für KI-Kunst interessiere, habe ich verschiedene Plattformen genutzt. Mit meinen KI-Bildern möchte ich eine Unterscheidung zu menschlicher Kunst und Fotos zeigen. Ich bin fasziniert von der Art und Weise, wie die KI meine Worte interpretiert. Ich glaube, die KI interpretiert meine Worte, als ob sie von einem anderen Planeten stammen würden. Das ist, was ich am meisten mag. Um jedoch das Licht und die Farben zu erhalten, die mit dem Mars verbunden sind, muss ich die entsprechenden Eingabeaufforderungen verwenden.

Ich habe meine eigenen Worte verwendet, um Bilder nachzustellen. Ich bin mit den Ergebnissen in der Galerie unten zufrieden.
Nehmen Sie an unseren Kursen teil!

👋Hallo, Ich bin Iulia,

#Englischtrainer, #Texter #Lektor #Korrektor #Hauptmärchenoffizier #Jobhelfer #Journalist

💆Ihr freundlicher Lehrer für alles, was unter der Sonne liegt: Juristendeutsch, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Marketing, Copywriting und kreatives Schreiben.

💆Wir können zusammenarbeiten, um deine personalisierten Inhalte zu erstellen, deine Englischkenntnisse zu verbessern und deinen Platz im Rampenlicht zu sichern.

✨Ohne ausgezeichnetes Englisch gibt es keinen Weg nach vorne!✨

✨Schau dir meinen YouTube-Kanal an: https://www.youtube.com/@iuliahalatz6344

PS: Wenn Sie mit mir arbeiten möchten, eine kostenlose erste Sitzung buchen oder mir eine Frage stellen möchten, fügen Sie bitte eine Notiz in Ihre Verbindungsanfrage ein.

The Article In English: https://blog.seocopywriting.ro/2024/09/09/ai-art-what-are-your-fears-about-ai/