Tag Archives: Medium.com

The Sun Also Rises

The sun also rises
The fields also green
The stories are told
and hold
hearts in hands.

We survive and desire
The Moon to be ours
The Dreams to dawn true
The Time to stand and wait still
for sorrows to burn
in hollow trees
whose dead leaves endure
to give birth
To daffodils…

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.
Thank you for reading!

Art – William Samuel Schwartz — “The Last Rays”. Source: Facebook

Featured at Medium.com.

Writer for a new Medium publication

I am honored to have been invited to write for another Medium publication, Literary Impulse.
A community space for LITERARY FICTION, POETRY, PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS AND DIALOGUE with a mission of ‘social change through creative endeavours’.

Over the years, writing has shaped my inner and outer life.
I started writing because of pain…
“To write with the truth of pain in your mouth is gruesome poetry … You’ll have to cut out your heart with every word and show it to the world, then hope it will heal. This is how the light gets in, also the dark. To acknowledge fear, defeat, despair and pretend serenity of a lesson learned while patching up the wounds is … Life.” – Tyrannosaurus Writing

Then I kept on writing because:
“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing

Presently I write for the following Medium publications: Blue Insights (to which I am also editor), Poetry’s Home, My Selections, Resistance Poetry, Intimately Intricate.

For me, writing is entering other worlds with my written words as keys.
Words open many doors. In written form or not.

Thank you for reading!

Also published on Substack.

Art by Christian Schloe. Source: Pinterest.


Whatever I consider important
The trees don’t care.

Wherever I shed my tears
The flowers don’t know.

Some days have the glitter of butterflies’ wings
Some glint like the fires of Mordor.
Some have the clear shine of truth
Drifting away…
Some the warmth of
a broken heart
Who died
And became Art.

© Iulia Halatz

Art – Wolfgang Harms. Source: Pinterest

Wolfgang Harms

Featured at Medium.com.

Cobweb Dance at Medium

HE loves me
He keeps my tears
at bay
in a corner crystal ball
and my heart in a field of molten flowers*.
I want to loose the yarn
Again he pours
crimson dew on my weary tales
whilst I am not looking…
It warms like midnight kisses…

My mind smells
the sweet cinnamon
glueing his words together
My eyes see naught
But my garden lilies caught
in cobweb intoxicating grip
and exhilarating dance…

Iulia Halatz

*Source of inspiration – The B-52’s.

Art – Cobweb Dance by Charles Courtney Curran.



As always, I am humbled to be a Medium writer:

It is November ~ the month of promiscuous trees, turbulent moons dressed up in haze, opal leaves layering the smock of earth.
© Iulia Halatz


Charles Vess’ art

Vestiges and Claws

My poem Vestiges and Claws has been featured at Medium.com.

We are the only people
in the world
and we hold
the keys to all
gardens and dungeons
beneath a wall…
We live on
Moon’s compassionate light
and greenish profoundness
of Spring.

We may not die
but if we do
your smile will freeze
the light blue
in my eye
and shovel back the trench
to where I quench
my thirst for throbbing hearts
and burning dreams
deposited in chests
that heave entwined.

© Iulia Halatz

Art – Ivan Avgustovich Veltz

Lettered Jailer featured at Medium.com

Lettered Jailer

You look so sane
potentially careful and serene
atoning for
the perfumed gaiety
and colorless skies.

The fire in the autumn
dictates the ice in the new moon.

My love,
When are you going to make up your mind?
Set me free
word upon word
I throw in your face
unsubmissive of your bars…
When are you going to break the gloom?
is your world
You grow your stamina
from my pain…

Minstrels sing of legendary lands
You sing of the legendary cavern
lettered for me.

Some words are
like the spring wind
building with
cherry blossoms
the library
of scent…

Some words
the snows of June
a gilded cage
Lit only by a shadow…

Your words are the haze
that glimmers in the distance
Dystopian love
over eight kingdoms.

One day
I am walking
in a field of poppies
with a sun
that clears
a golden path for me.

The next day
I am bleeding
on thistles and thorns.

You are betrayer
of words
and pilferer of dreams…

Your love expires
every time we drink
the shade of the evening
and the rumours in the stars.

© Iulia Halatz

Art – Helmut Newton

Blue Insights Newsletter — 2020–08–05

As always, I am honored and humbled to be a writer for Blue Insights at Medium.com.

“August has started and I hope you are having the best summer you can hope for despite all the harsh blows we all have been living in 2020.
Please, take the time, where ever you may be on the planet, to enjoy reading the latest Blue Insights Newsletter.”

Read the full article at Medium.com.

Photo by Luis Vidal on Unsplash.

Love is The Fifth Season

Love is the fifth season
It starts in March
With shines of longer days,
guarding the waters more.

It moves along with
greens and joys of May.
It flourishes above the lilacs
And with you I sleep
Amidst lilies-of-the-valley…

It drifts down July dusks
Colored in bluish touches.
October is the beginning of times
Cutting edges and bringing back
Memories of youth.
Now it is the season to embrace
The truth…

This is an old poem from year 2015.

Also published at Medium.com.

© Iulia Halatz

Art – Viktor Vasnetsov

“Blue Insights Cultural Prompts — July 2020”

No wasted days, no regrets, just an endless party until the last breath…


As always, I am proud to be a witer for the Medium publications.

Art – Ingo Swann