Tag Archives: Poetry’s Home

I Don’t Want the Summer to End

I don’t want the summer to end
That is why I try to suspend
My thoughts of winters and grey
Garnering drops of snow and dismay.

I don’t want the summer to end
That is why I am hand in hand
With clouds and planets blue,
Roses and treasures that have no clue
Of corrupt winds and misty reign
In the apocalypse of rain.

I don’t want the summer to end…

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.
Thank you for reading!

Art by Daniel Gerhartz. Source: Pinterest
Also featured at Poetry’s Home, a Medium publication.


I have shared
land and sky
with you.
I have tasted
blood and honey.
My witch-oil turned
to dragon-fire
at your touch…
It feels like getting drunk
on old reddish wine
long softened
during times of
What shall I pour in your glass?
Molten flowers
Golden ink
Lucid light
Unicorn mirth…
I fear any story
whose ink
my words
can’t drink…
Yet I drip in yours
ever since.
When your arms call
and your lips
read all my feral kisses
How can there be no heaven?

© Iulia Halatz
Published in the Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective

Also featured at Poetry’s home, a Medium publication.

Art – Edward Henry Potthast. Source: Facebook

Moon Fair

You are a fair
stinging my eyeballs
whilst I wait
for Mercury to fall
the Titans to cry
and tilting shadows
to moor over
conversing stars
impatient to die
and reborn a thousand times.

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.

Art — Johann Peter Hasenclever. Source: Pinterest

Also featured at Medium.com/ Poetry’s Home.