Tag Archives: Writer at Poetry’s Home

Every Day a Little Dream

I long for a dream,
within a dream
that clears the sight
of you.

I am asleep and asleep
I feel nothing
But the cradle of your arms
like orange snakes
thrashing fears around…

Black and white tale
Shall that be…

Every night a little dream
in the dead of sleep
in the depth of you…
Words spatter lights
in pools.
Do not squander their yellow glare
To guard you through winter…

Featured at Poetry’s Home, at Medium.com.

© Iulia Halatz

Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.

Art — Ivan Volkov, Tatiana Larina’s Dream from Pushkin’s ‘Eugene Onegin’, 1891. Source – Facebook

Moon Fair

You are a fair
stinging my eyeballs
whilst I wait
for Mercury to fall
the Titans to cry
and tilting shadows
to moor over
conversing stars
impatient to die
and reborn a thousand times.

© Iulia Halatz
Co-author of Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective, available on Amazon and Kindle.

Art — Johann Peter Hasenclever. Source: Pinterest

Also featured at Medium.com/ Poetry’s Home.