Businesses must be built like cities

Businesses must be built like cities, as places for pleasure, trade, wealth and work.
A successful business epitomizes the work that shines like gold. The work that breathes the perpetual air of jazziest Spring.

Innovation and hard work
Your deeds and hard work are evidence of your small empire erected on a foundation of stardusted ideas protected by the wing of spring. Rains might soak your efforts and bring in the smell of dust, but you must toil and think creatively until the sun comes down again.
Whoever comes for pleasure should see the hard work behind every shiny slate in the pavement.
Leave trails of hard work to lead your customers to your city of trade, wealth and treasures. Be a lucky snail that leaves a gold trail of slog.

Trade means to develop friendliness and communication. The city of business is not a place for arguments but for agreements and networking. And for instructive courses, information, physical and spiritual wealth and language. The language that creates truthful connections between the people who are willing to build something wonderful together, a business, a new product, a story that stealthily steals your time while giving away pleasure.

Extraordinary evidence
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” – Carl Sagan
Show hard evidence of your timeless toil everywhere, on your site, blog and social media pages. On your white papers, newsletters, emails, your sketches of new projects.

“The secret to success is to do the common things uncommonly well.” ― John D. Rockefeller
Let us draw an idea with some words! As we cannot paint like this:

© Iulia Halatz

Art by Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky.

I am delighted that five of my poems were included in the Sudden Denouement Anthology Volume I. The anthology is now available on and

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