“The opening statement outlines the case it is intended to present. The attorney for plaintiff delivers the first opening statement and the defense follows with the second. A good opening statement should explain what the attorney plans to prove, how it will be proven; mention the burden of proof and applicable law; and present the events (facts) of the case in an orderly, easy to understand manner.” Mock Trial Material from State of Oregon v. Dulsa (2017-18 Season)
💥What to know before drafting an opening statement
⚡️Can you tell a brief story about what happened from your side’s point of view?
⚡️What is your theory of the case?
⚡️What are the key elements that have to be proved (by you or the other side)?
⚡️What do you anticipate the evidence will show?
⚡️What are the important facts your side’s witnesses will testify to?
⚡️What themes (words and phrases that convey emotions) do you want to emphasize?
⚡️Who has the burden of proof and what is it?
⚡️What do you want the jury to do?
⚡️How much time do you have? (usually 5 minutes)
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