Tag Archives: curs de engleza juridica pentru avocati



“The opening statement outlines the case it is intended to present. The attorney for plaintiff delivers the first opening statement and the defense follows with the second. A good opening statement should explain what the attorney plans to prove, how it will be proven; mention the burden of proof and applicable law; and present the events (facts) of the case in an orderly, easy to understand manner.” Mock Trial Material from State of Oregon v. Dulsa (2017-18 Season)

💥What to know before drafting an opening statement

⚡️Can you tell a brief story about what happened from your side’s point of view?
⚡️What is your theory of the case?
⚡️What are the key elements that have to be proved (by you or the other side)?
⚡️What do you anticipate the evidence will show?
⚡️What are the important facts your side’s witnesses will testify to?
⚡️What themes (words and phrases that convey emotions) do you want to emphasize?
⚡️Who has the burden of proof and what is it?
⚡️What do you want the jury to do?
⚡️How much time do you have? (usually 5 minutes)

Vă așteptăm la cursurile de engleză juridică.
Organizăm și cursuri de engleză pentru examenul de traducător autorizat de Ministerul Justiției.

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TOLES Exam: Everything You Need to Know!

Tips & Tricks about international exams

TOLES Exam: Everything You Need to Know!

The TOLES exams test the specific English that lawyers who do not have English as a first language need to work successfully in international commercial law.

Commercial legal English is significantly different from everyday English, or the English needed to do a law degree with a UK or US university.

The TOLES certificates allow international lawyers and law students to provide evidence of their language skills in specific areas of knowledge that are highly valued by employers, such as international commercial negotiations, company documents and cross-border contracts drafted in English.

We offer training courses for all international exams (Cambridge CAE, Cambridge FCE, ILEC, IELTS, BEC, TOLES, and ICFE).

Book a preliminary session at contact@cursinengleza.ro.

👋Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

💆Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.

💆We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.

✨Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

✨Check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@iuliahalatz6344

PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please include a note in your connection request.



🔔When drafting, you are trying to create a document that serves multiple purposes. Sometimes, you may not be able to accomplish all of them, but you should try. A well-written contract should do the following:

➡️Accurately memorialize the business deal.
➡️Be clear and unambiguous.
➡️Resolve problems pragmatically.
➡️Be sufficiently specific that the parties know their rights and obligations, but be flexible enough to cope with changed circumstances.
➡️Advance the client’s goals and reduce its risks.
➡️Give each side enough of what it needs so that each leaves the table feeling that it negotiated a good deal.
➡️Be drafted well enough that it never leaves the file drawer.
➡️Prevent litigation.

To be continued!

Vă așteptăm la cursurile noastre de engleză juridică!

📞 0722 841 053
📨 contact@cursinengleza.ro

➡️Aceste cursuri se desfășoară în grupe de minim 6 persoane.
➡️Colaborarea se face pe bază de contract și factură.
➡️Puteți opta și pentru cursuri personalizate one-to-one sau pentru cursuri corporate la sediul dumneavoastră.
➡️Oferim consultanță gratuită și acces la biblioteca noastră digitală.

🔔De ce noi?

➡️Pentru că am creat cursuri unice cum ar fi: cursul intensiv de gramatica limbii engleze (6 ore), cursul intensiv de Creative Business Writing (6 ore), cursul intensiv de proofreading în engleză (6 ore), cursul de pregătire pentru un interviu în limba engleză (6 ore), cursul de copywriting în limba engleză (24 ore), cursul de engleză feroviară., cursul pentru Inteligența Artificială.

➡️Pentru că toate cursurile noastre sunt unice, fiind personalizate în funcție de specificul fiecărei companii în parte.

➡️Pentru că în fiecare an ajutăm sute de persoane din companii multinaționale să se dezvolte profesional la cursurile noastre specializate de limba engleză.

➡️Mai multe detalii despre cursurile START ENGLISH – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj1dtZMNKf0&t=6s
Vă așteptăm cu drag!

Photo by the author.
Vă așteptăm cu drag!

Photo by the author.

What is the difference between Tax and Duty?

✨A question emerged at one of our legal English courses:

What is the difference between Tax and Duty?

➡️Tax is a mandatory obligation payable to the government levied on income, wealth, services, sales etc.

➡️Duty is a fee charged by the government on manufacture and import / export of goods levied on goods and financial transactions.

Duty Tax on Imports and Exports: Meaning and Examples

➡️A duty is a tax levied on certain goods, services, or other transactions. Governments commonly impose customs duties and other taxes on imports and exports. Duties, which are a form of revenue, are enforceable by law and may be imposed on commodities or financial transactions instead of individuals. The term duty also refers to the responsibilities held by an individual, especially someone in a position of power.

➡️A duty is a form of taxation levied on certain goods, services, or other transactions that are imported and exported

➡️Duty rates are a percentage determined by the total value of the goods paid for in another country.

➡️Duties provide a form of commerce protection for jobs, the economy, the environment, and other interests by controlling the influx and outflow of merchandise.

➡️A duty may also be someone’s moral or fiduciary responsibility.

➡️Governments impose taxes on individuals and companies that make or receive shipments internationally. These levies must be paid before delivery can be made. These levies are called customs or import duties. These are tariffs or taxes imposed on goods transported across international borders.

➡️Customs duty rates are a percentage determined by the total value of the goods paid for in another country. The quality, size, or weight of the product are not determining factors.1 The Harmonized Tariff System of the United States is used domestically as a reference for applicable tariffs on merchandise imported to the country.2


Check out our video for more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcjB5vBH4ec&t=3s

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please include a note in your connection request.

What are implied terms of the contract and its examples?

Ouora Answers: https://www.quora.com/What-are-implied-terms-of-the-contract-and-its-examples/answer/Iulia-Halatz

Topics for our classes

Implied terms are not made express (like express terms) within the contract but may be implied into the contract in the following ways:

by custom: a term can only be implied into a contract by custom if there is no express term to the contrary. These may be terms which are customary in the market in which the contract is made or have been in previous dealings between the parties.

by statute: various statutes imply terms intro different specific contracts. For example, the condition that employment contracts will be automatically transferred is implied under statute in the contract for the sale of the business.

by common law: by the intention of the parties, if it is a term which is necessary to make the contract work.

See, by contrast, the express terms:

Express terms are set out and stipulated expressly in the contract.

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #journalist

Your friendly teacher of all things under the sun: legalese, business, finance, marketing, copywriting, and creative writing.
We can work together to craft your personalized content, polish your English-speaking skills, and secure your place in the sun.
Without excellent English, there’s no path forward!

PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free session, or ask me a question, please include a note in your connection request.

Top 50 Legal Terms You Need to Know: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Courtroom Terms


Top 50 Legal Terms You Need to Know: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Courtroom Terms

Check out our video:

Vă așteptăm la cursurile noastre de engleză juridică, cursurile de pregătire pentru examenele ILEC și TOLES și la cursul de pregătire pentru examenul de traducător!

📞 0722 841 053
📨 contact@cursinengleza.ro

Welcome to the most informative YouTube channel for English learners!

As a passionate writer, I recognize the immense value of video content in today’s digital landscape. To enhance my teaching, I have embraced AI-generated video content, even though filmmaking isn’t my forte. By leveraging AI technology, I transform my articles into engaging videos, providing a rich resource for my students to continue their learning journey beyond the classroom. My video content covers a variety of topics, including trending news, the global economy, new English vocabulary, and essential economic concepts. Join me in exploring these subjects to support your quest for mastering the English language!

Follow our channel for more tips: https://www.youtube.com/@iuliahalatz6344

Looking to level up your English-speaking game? Whether it’s nailing those corporate presentations, acing employment interviews, or slaying any public speaking situation, I’m here to help you shine! Let’s unlock your full potential together!

LEGAL ENGLISH: Hereof, Herein, Hereafter, Hereon

What we cover in our legal English classes

Legal English: c’est autre chose.

It’s challenging to even begin to explain just how complicated legal language can be. I’ve been teaching legal English to lawyers, solicitors, prosecutors, paralegals, and notary publics for over 20 years now. It’s still my favorite area of English.

hereof = of the thing or document that is being talked about:
This Agreement shall commence on the date of signature hereof.

herein = in this:
The people have no faith in their government, and herein lies the root of the problem.

hereafter = starting from this time; in the future:
Elizabeth Gaskell’s novel “Ruth” will hereafter be cited within the text as EG.

hereon = from this point:
“The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” will hereon be referred to as “TLWW”.
from hereon: It gets a lot harder from hereon.
from hereon in: Progress is likely to slow from hereon in.

Are you tired of stumbling over legal jargon when communicating with international clients or colleagues? Look no further than our bespoke legal English course. Our transformative program, tailor-made for legal professionals like yourself, aims to equip you with the necessary skills to confidently navigate the intricate world of legalese.

By enrolling in our course, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of legal terminology, enabling you to communicate fluently and professionally in English. Whether you’re drafting contracts, participating in negotiations, or conducting legal research, our expert instructors will empower you to master the art of legal English effortlessly.

Don’t let language barriers hold you back from advancing your legal career. Enroll today and unlock the full potential of your professional aptitude. With our legal English course, you’ll gain the competitive edge you need to thrive in our interconnected, globalized society. Start speaking legalese fluently and confidently, and watch your opportunities multiply. Don’t miss out on this extraordinary chance to learn English the right way—the legal way!

Call: 0040722841053 (WhatsApp)

Join our legal English courses!

Photo by the author.