Tag Archives: curs de engleza

Can vs. Could: Learn the Difference

Master English Grammar
Can vs. Could: Learn the Difference

People often use can and could interchangeably, even though the words have slightly different meanings. Luckily, the rules about when to use can vs. could are pretty straightforward.

Both are modal verbs used to express ability or possibility; they can also be used to ask for permission.

When you’re talking about the possibility of something happening in the future, use can if something is very likely to happen. Could, on the other hand, should be used for things that have an equal chance of not happening. When you’re referring to someone’s ability to do something, use can in present-tense scenarios and could in past-tense situations.

Avoid making a grammatical blunder by reading our piece on the differences between can vs. could.

What’s the difference between Can and Could?
Unlike some other commonly confused words, such as to vs. for, can and could have only two main differences: tense and likelihood.

Can is the present tense modal verb used to express someone’s ability.

I can book that appointment for you right now if you’d like.

Could is the past tense modal verb used to express someone’s ability.

Harpreet could have pitched a perfect game if his manager had kept him in.

Both verbs can also be used to express the likelihood of something happening in the future tense, which is when most people often confuse the two. Can is used to describe scenarios that are more likely than not to happen, while could is used for scenarios that are less probable.

You can get an upset stomach from eating too many habaneros.
I really think Steve could win this season of the Great British Baking Show.

Lean more from our video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=129UF4I53IE&t=44s
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Corporate English Learning

Corporate English Learning

Business English Section: We offer resources on corporate training, business vocabulary, and workplace communication.

Videos for Professionals: Ideal for improving English listening skills in a business context. Check out our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@iuliahalatz6344

English for Emails: Our Creative Business English Communication course provides the most useful tips to writing effective emails in a professional setting.
Check out this link for more information: https://englezadeafaceri.wordpress.com/2023/08/31/curs-intensiv-de-limba-engleza/

Corporate Training and Assessments: Information on tailored corporate English training programs.

These resources will provide a solid foundation for your content.

Join our courses!
📱 0722841053

📧 contact@cursinengleza.ro

📧 englezadeafaceri@gmail.com

📧 startenglish3@gmail.com

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What is a Bylaw?

Topics for our students

A bylaw is a rule or law established by an organization or a local government to regulate itself or manage the community’s affairs. Bylaws are specific to the organization or locality that creates them and provide detailed guidelines on various aspects of governance, conduct, and procedures.

Main Principles of Bylaws

Bylaws are created by a governing body, such as a city council, homeowners’ association, or corporation’s board of directors, to regulate matters within their jurisdiction.

Bylaws contain specific rules and regulations that address the unique needs and circumstances of the organization or community.
Bylaws have the force of law within the context they apply. Violating a bylaw can result in penalties or other enforcement actions.
Bylaws must align with higher laws, such as federal, state, or provincial laws. They cannot contradict broader legal frameworks.
Bylaws should be clearly written and accessible to those they govern, ensuring everyone understands their rights and responsibilities.

Examples to Illustrate Bylaws

Homeowners’ Association (HOA) Bylaws
Homeowners must maintain their lawns and gardens to a certain standard.
To ensure the neighborhood remains attractive and property values are maintained.
Homeowners who do not comply may receive warnings or fines.

Corporate Bylaws
Board of directors must meet quarterly to review company performance and make decisions.
To ensure regular oversight and strategic planning for the company’s success.
Non-compliance may lead to governance issues and potential legal ramifications for the company.

Municipal Bylaws
No loud noises after 10 PM in residential areas.
To maintain peace and quiet for residents during nighttime.
Violators may receive warnings, fines, or other penalties from local authorities.

Key Takeaways

Bylaws are local rules. They are created by organizations or local governments to manage internal and community affairs.
Bylaws provide clear and specific guidelines tailored to the needs of the governed body.
They have legal standing within their context and must be followed by those they apply to.
Bylaws must not conflict with broader legal frameworks and must be fair and transparent.
By understanding and following bylaws, organizations and communities can operate smoothly and effectively, ensuring orderly conduct and governance.

Check our video: https://youtu.be/ZA71TzYABzA

Photo by the author.

Our YouTube channel helps to expand the learning experience beyond the English-speaking classes. The videos are based on the subjects we discussed in class.

Simple Present Tense: How to Use It, With Examples

The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses.
We use the simple present tense when an action happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite). Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding s or es to the end.

I feel great!

Pauline loves pie.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re sick.

The other is to talk about habitual actions or occurrences.

Pauline practices the piano every day.

Ms. Jackson travels during the summer.

Hamsters run all night.

Check out my video for more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKcWvrcEL-o&feature=youtu.be


Looking to level up your English-speaking game? Whether it’s nailing those corporate presentations, acing employment interviews, or slaying any public speaking situation, I’m here to help you shine! Let’s unlock your full potential together!

Join our courses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5Y2UyeID8uVRuLD1-OxuF-0lbIDkap53MJxFQ34ucMuQ44g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Photo by the author.


“If I had asked people what they wanted they would have said faster horses”.
Henry Ford.

If I had asked my students what they wanted they would have said an English-Romanian translation course.

Not having asked and keeping my head and thoughts firmly outside the box, I ask you to speak English.

I ask you to think creatively and transform your thoughts in a story …

Don’t worry about your mistakes.

As long as you don’t take them anywhere with you or tuck them in every chilly evening…you will be fine…

At my courses I give you the user manual for transforming your thoughts in a simple English story.


A seasonal picture upon a magnificent story.  Source: D.j.Jeschke.

Van Gogh Santa

Engleza de octombrie/ Girl Friday

Girl Friday = a female office worker who does different types of work.

Watching films is good English practice: His Girl Friday (1940).

Sometimes I am my own girl Friday in my company.

I talk to people, I have meetings and presentations, I write personalized syllabuses for communicating in a legal, business, financial, medical English environment and most of all, I keep people talking at my specialised English courses (and laughing…now and then).

Nevertheless, I do find time to enjoy a dark and gloomy afternoon as the one depicted below.








Painting by Julius von Leypold (1806–74), Wanderer in the Storm, 1835.

Engleza de august/ In lieu

In lieu = instead of.

Customer-service staff to work half an hour more Mon-Thurs and have Friday p.m. free in lieu.

I am happy to offer you the package of 6 hours intensive English grammar course & 6 hours intensive communication course in English in lieu of payment for your services.

Va oferim cursul intensiv de gramatica limbii engleze si cursul intensiv de comunicare in engleza in sistem barter.

La cerere va oferim si alte cursuri de pe rafturile Magazinului de Engleza.

Barter = the system of exchanging goods, property, services, etc. for other goods without using money.

Suntem interesati sa colaboram mai ales cu firme de web design, publicitate, sali de sport…

Va asteptam propunerile de colaborare la 0722.841.053 sau contact@cursinengleza.ro.


Curs de engleză financiară

Accountants, chartered accountants, chartered certified accountants, auditors, financial auditors, stockbrokers, economists needed for financial English course.

Long discussions, business finance, accounting, bookkeeping, company law, accounting policies and standards, accounting principles, depreciation and amortization, auditing, balance sheets, financial ratios, cost accounting, financial institutions, investment banking, central banking, interest rates, money supply, stocks and shares, bonds, futures, derivatives, asset management, hedge funds and structured products.

International recognition after the ICFE* exam (International Certificate for Financial English).

Cursul de engleză financiară începe în săptămâna 9-14 februarie.
Program cursuri: MIERCURI și VINERI 18.30-20.00 sau 8.00-9.30. SÂMBĂTĂ 13.00-16.00.
Locatie ultracentrală (Universitate).
Tarif: 300 de lei pe lună. Grupe restrânse de studiu de maxim 6 persoane.
La sfârșitul acestui curs puteți susține examenul ICFE. În acest sens, în perioada 1-6 iunie organizăm la sediul nostru pretestări gratuite în vederea obținerii certificatului ICFE.

Înscrieri la 0722.841.053.
Vă mulțumim și vă așteptăm la curs.

* ICFE  Certificatul Internațional de Engleză Financiară este rezultatul unei colaborări între Universitatea Cambridge și ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) al cărei scop este să ofere candidaților un certificat din care să reiasă capacitatea lor de a comunica eficient în limba engleză în cadrul profesiei practicate sau în orice context internațional.

Personalizează-ți engleza!


English. To learn

581721_359214644191484_1646254332_nA foreign language is never easy to learn. To speak it fluently is even more difficult. All you need is perseverance and a good teacher. And love….

Love for the challenges of a new linguistic background. Love for the unknown. Love, not fear of leaving your comfort zone.

Eventually, at the end of your English course, you will have the unexpected surprise to feel like home in all English speaking environments.

We can find a good teacher and the perfect syllabus for you, still you need to find love…

Love for anything…unexpected…


See you in class!


Web: www.cursinengleza.ro I www.engleza-de-afaceri.ro
Tel: 0722.841.053
E-mail: contact@engleza-de-afaceri.ro


“Judge not.Lest you be judged”

Scriu acestea ca răspuns la un articol apărut pe un blog în engleză, articol critic la adresa celor scrise de mine despre ziua lui Adam Smith. Articolul meu AICI.

Persoana respectivă, englez, irlandez, american sau galez după nume, în loc să îmi lase un comentariu şi prin urmare dreptul la replică, mi-a copiat articolul pe blogul lui şi a scris articolul defăimător la adresa articolului meu pe blogul lui. Probabil din lipsă de alte subiecte.

Oricine are discernământ şi capacitatea de a raţiona, observă că articolul meu este o alegorie, este punctul de vedere al unui filolog şi nu al unui economist…Ce legătură are Ţara Feacilor din Odiseea cu economia? Iar eu mă consider în primul rând filolog şi apoi economist.

În al doilea rând m-a criticat pentru că am oferit informaţii eronate cu privire la data naşterii lui Adam Smith. Eu nu folosesc Wikipedia când vreau să verific nişte date, mai ales că în această eră a Marketingului 3.0, oricine poate “share-ui” sau posta orice informaţii, nu neapărat veridice. Sursa mea de informaţie este Avuţia Naţiunilor de Adam Smith de la editura Publica, editură de cărţi de specialitate foarte cunoscută la noi şi al cărei client sunt. Pe coperta internă scrie că Adam Smith s-a născut pe 16 iunie.

Pe lângă alte critici, mai mult sau mai puţin mascate, ale stilului şi informaţiilor de factură economică pe care le-aş fi prezentat greşit, autorul cu nume străin îmi critică şi politica de preţuri cu referire la cursurile pe care compania mea le oferă. Nu ştiu cum un cetăţean UK are idee despre preţurile din Romania precum şi despre salariul minim, salariu mediu, etc..în funcţie de care noi, furnizorii de servicii, ne calculăm preţurile şi costurile. Tarifele noastre sunt în concordanţă cu aceşti indicatori şi nu au legătură cu preţurile din altă ţară. Tarifele noastre sunt “a good value for the money”. Pentru interesaţi, găsiţi mai multe informaţii pe acest link: www.engleza-de-afaceri.ro/tarife.

Nu văd legătura dintre articolul despre Adam Smith şi preţurile noastre. Articolul respectiv nu era un articol de promovare ci o poveste scrisă de filologul din mine. Mai am unele răbufniri după ce m-am lăsat de poezii :).

Dacă doriţi să ne criticaţi, să ne comentaţi sau să fiţi ajutaţi cu sfaturi gratuite, cursuri de limba engleză şi traduceri, scrieţi-ne la contact@engleza-de-afaceri.ro sau lasaţi un comentariu.

Titlul articolului este şi unul din motto-urile mele: “ Judge not. Lest you be judged”. Este un citat care mi-a plăcut foarte mult din Mad Men. Unul dintre cele mai bune seriale realizate vreodată, poate cel mai bun (click AICI dacă nu aţi înţeles Lest).

Vă multumesc pentru că “mă citiţi”.

Later edit: M-am reapucat de poezii.