Thursday’s Job Recommendation

I have discovered an intriguing job opportunity for an aspiring lawyer or future trainee solicitor based in the UK.

Law Firm Directory Writer (Part time or Full time)


Hello! We’re hiring for a unique role! We are looking for someone to join the TCLA team on a fully remote basis, full time or part time (20 hours per week), until 31 January 2025. The role is available to start as soon as possible, and the end date is flexible, with the option to extend for the right person.

You’ll be responsible for managing the new directory we have built directly into our forum. It’s free for anyone to access, and will be used by thousands of aspiring lawyers in their journey to commercial law. You’ll help students and graduates to better understand the differences between law firms, including practice areas, clients and deals, international offices, and training.

Apply on this link:

If you are currently looking for a job, check out our Tips For Job Seekers.

Photo by the author.

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper

We can work together to craft your personalized content and polish your craft your personalized content!
Without good English, there’s no path forward!

PS: If you want to work with me, book a preliminary free sessions, or ask me a question, please include a note in your connection request.

Quora Answers: How do you complete a poem in any subject matter you are interested in?

Imagination is a tricky thing. It does not breathe words all the time. Sometimes it is alive, and sometimes it is barely breathing.
When I have ideas, I write in a notebook or on my phone. After that, I transferred my thoughts to my blog.
You do not just sit at your desk and start writing a poem.

I love writing. For me, it is like living in a parallel world of my own making. Nevertheless, the walls of this new realm may sometimes appear blurry.

The idea for the following poem hit me when I looked out the window and felt the mellow shine of autumn glistening into the threes.

I don’t want the summer to end

I don’t want the summer to end
That is why I try to suspend
My thoughts of winters and grey
Garnering drops of snow and dismay.

I don’t want the summer to end
That is why I am hand in hand
With clouds and planets blue,
Roses and treasures that have no clue
Of corrupt winds and misty reign
In the apocalypse of rain.

I don’t want the summer to end…

Art – Daniel F. Gerhartz. Fair use

TIPS FOR JOB SEEKERS: Tough Interview Questions


Imagine you’re a PM for Spotify. How would you increase revenue 5 times in the next 5 years?

This question clearly asks you to put yourself in the shoes of a Product Manager for Spotify and propose a growth strategy to quintuple the company’s revenue in the next five years. At first, the question may seem intimidating as it requires strategic thinking, understanding of the business and its audience, as well as product development.
Here are key points to consider while answering the question:

User base growth: Finding ways to increase the number of users on the platform.
Increasing revenue per user: Looking for ways to increase the amount each user pays.
Partnership and collaborations: Exploring strategic partnerships that could lead to revenue growth.
New revenue streams: Introduction of new features or exploring other possible sources that could generate income.
The key to answering this question is to clearly articulate your strategy to grow each part of the business and demonstrate a good understanding of the company’s current user base, potential customers and business context.

Answer Example
Increasing user base: Spotify could penetrate into new geographies, targeting countries with strong potential in the digital music market that Spotify currently doesn’t serve. This would involve understanding the music preferences, payment infrastructure, legal and copyright landscapes of these potential markets.

Improving User monetization: We can increase revenue from existing users by creating new premium features. For example, by introducing a special feature allowing users to attend virtual concerts or exclusive artist meet-ups, which users can get access to by paying extra.

Strategic Partnerships Could mainly function in two ways: firstly, partnering with mobile or internet service providers; offering Spotify as part of value-added services can help reduce the cost barrier that is often associated with the subscription model. Secondly, partnerships with artists; by launching exclusive music or concert releases could also attract their committed fan base to our platform.

New Revenue Streams: Spotify can consider introducing a platform for independent artists to connect with fans, where artists can host live shows, premier new songs, and earn revenue through fan donations. This not only encourages new and upcoming talent but also acts as a new revenue channel for Spotify, taking a small commission per transaction.

Photo by the author.

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper

We can work together to craft your personalized content!

Want to know more?
Visit my establishments:
Copywriters, AI nerds, job seekers, and passionate travelers: go to where I share stories about writing, content strategies, AI fears and benefits, job interview strategies, and carefully select the best hotel offers for YOU.
English learners, small business owners, and solopreneurs: go to my YouTube channel, where I create videos about trending news, the English grammar, the global economy, new English vocabulary, business development, and essential economic concepts.

Join my courses!

Trending Topics/ Data Lakehouse

An architectural approach that integrates the capabilities of data lakes and data warehouses. It aims to combine the data management features and performance of data warehouses with the cost-effective storage and flexibility of data lakes, offering unified storage for structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. This architecture is particularly beneficial for organizations seeking to manage diverse data types and workloads efficiently while maintaining high performance and cost efficiency.

*A data lake is a centralized repository designed to store, process, and secure large amounts of structured, semistructured, and unstructured data. It can store data in its native format and process any variety of it, ignoring size limits.

Photo by the author.

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper #legalEnglishcoach

Want to know more?

Copywriters, AI nerds, job seekers, and passionate travelers: go to where I share stories about writing, content strategies, AI fears and benefits, job interview strategies, and carefully select the best hotel offers for YOU.

English learners, small business owners, and solopreneurs: go to my YouTube channel, where I create videos about trending news, the English grammar, the global economy, new English vocabulary, business development, and essential economic concepts.

Curs de pregătire pentru examenul de traducător autorizat de Ministerul Justiției

Vrei să devii traducător autorizat?

Potrivit legii 76/2016 privind modificarea legii 178/1997 pentru autorizarea interpreților și traducătorilor, pot fi traducători autorizaţi de Ministerul Justiţiei doar persoanele care au certificat de traducător eliberat de Ministerul Culturii pentru specialitatea ştiinţe juridice, din limba străină în limba română şi din limba română în limba străină pentru care solicită autorizarea.

Autorizația de traducător se primește doar prin examen!

Noul modul de cursuri de pregătire pentru arestatul de traducător autorizat de Ministerul Justiției începe pe 5 noiembrie și se va încheia pe 7 ianuarie cu posibilitatea de prelungire.

Înscrieri între 14 octombrie și 28 octombrie.

📞 0722 841 053

Aceste cursuri se desfășoară în grupe de minim 6 persoane. Colaborarea se face pe bază de contract și factură.
Puteți opta și pentru cursuri personalizate one-to-one sau pentru cursuri corporate la sediul dumneavoastră.
Contactați-ne și vă trimitem o ofertă personalizată.
De ce noi?

Pentru că am creat cursuri unice cum ar fi: cursul intensiv de gramatica limbii engleze (6 ore), cursul intensiv de Creative Business Writing (6 ore), cursul intensiv de proofreading în engleză (6 ore), cursul de pregătire pentru un interviu în limba engleză (6 ore), cursul de copywriting în limba engleză (24 ore), cursul de engleză feroviară., cursul pentru Inteligența Artificială.
Pentru că toate cursurile noastre sunt unice, fiind personalizate în funcție de specificul fiecărei companii în parte.
Pentru că în fiecare an ajutăm sute de persoane din companii multinaționale să se dezvolte profesional la cursurile noastre specializate de limba engleză.

Mai multe detalii despre cursurile START ENGLISH –
Vă așteptăm cu drag!


“October is the month of painted leaves.” – Henry David Thoreau

Photo by the author.

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper

Want to know more?
Visit my establishments:
Copywriters, AI nerds, job seekers, and passionate travelers: go to where I share stories about writing, content strategies, AI fears and benefits, job interview strategies, and carefully select the best hotel offers for YOU.

English learners, small business owners, and solopreneurs: go to my YouTube channel, where I create videos about trending news, the English grammar, the global economy, new English vocabulary, business development, and essential economic concepts.

Tips For Job Seekers

My eyes were charmed by an interesting job opening fully remote and full of creativity and imagination.

When I clicked on apply, two red flags appeared.
The form required the following fields:
Birth date and current salary.

My CV can tell my age, but not my birthdate.
Moreover, I never disclose my current salary, earnings, or income, not even in an informal meeting.
Your interviewer has the right to inquire about your current salary, but this should not form the foundation of the hiring process. It is highly irregular to ask for such information upfront before the interview, in my opinion. 
If you had to include these in the application form, would you apply?

AI image

Feel free to check out other Tips For Job Seekers.

Good luck!

Join our courses: PROGRAM CURSURI.
#CursuriEngleza #cursdeenglezaAI #cursdespreinteligentaartificiala #chatgpt #Gemini #AI #AIStrategies #bestaiprompts #chatgptprompts #learnenglish #careerdevelopment #CareerDevelopmentCoach #careerdevelopmentcoaching #interviuinengleza #pregatirepentruinterviu #interviewtipsandtricks #interviewhacks

Trending Topics/ Web Scraping

We are launching a new column: Trending Topics, which garner significant attention in internet searches lately. 

Web Scraping
The process of extracting data from websites, either manually or automatically using bots or web crawlers. Web scraping techniques include HTML parsing, DOM parsing, XPath, and API interactions, with tools like BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Selenium, and Puppeteer commonly used. It is particularly useful for tasks such as price monitoring, market research, and content aggregation, benefiting businesses and researchers who need large-scale data collection.

Photo by George Milton on

Learn more in class!


Înscrieri între 1 octombrie și 14 octombrie
📞 0722 841 053

Înscrieri între 15 octombrie și 28 octombrie
📞 0722 841 053

Înscrieri între 1 noiembrie și 1 noiembrie
📞 0722 841 053

Înscrieri între 1 noiembrie și 1 noiembrie
📞 0722 841 053

Aceste cursuri sunt cursuri de grup care se desfășoară în grupe de minim 6 persoane. Colaborarea se face pe bază de contract și factură.
Puteți opta și pentru cursuri personalizate one-to-one sau pentru cursuri corporate la sediul dumneavoastră.
De ce noi?

Pentru că am creat cursuri unice cum ar fi: cursul intensiv de gramatica limbii engleze (6 ore), cursul intensiv de Creative Business Writing (6 ore), cursul intensiv de proofreading în engleză (6 ore), cursul de pregătire pentru un interviu în limba engleză (6 ore), cursul de copywriting în limba engleză (24 ore), cursul de engleză feroviară.
Pentru că toate cursurile noastre sunt unice, fiind personalizate în funcție de specificul fiecărei companii în parte.
Pentru că în fiecare an ajutăm sute de persoane din companii multinaționale să se dezvolte profesional la cursurile noastre specializate de limba engleză.

Mai multe detalii despre cursurile noastre –
Vă așteptăm cu drag!

Photo –
#CursuriEngleza #cursdeenglezaAI #cursdespreinteligentaartificiala #chatgpt #Gemini #AI #AIStrategies #bestaiprompts #chatgptprompts #learnenglish #careerdevelopment #CareerDevelopmentCoach #careerdevelopmentcoaching #interviuinengleza #pregatirepentruinterviu #interviewtipsandtricks #interviewhacks

Tips For Job Seekers

I reiterate my previous statement:
I would not recommend anyone undertake work that requires more than 3 hours to complete. I’ve noticed that companies that require these types of extremely complex tasks tend to engage in extensive recruitment. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but it appears that they view LinkedIn as an untapped source of free resources, exploiting the eagerness and desperation of applicants to secure employment. Which is highly unethical.
So, in conclusion, if you have a stellar CV and a wonderful portfolio, there is no need to prove yourself more by working tirelessly for free.

I am not the typical job seeker; I sometimes apply for (part-time) positions to gain insight into a certain field of interest to me and to help my students, whom I train, to render stellar performance in job interviews. 

One time, I applied because I loved the field and didn’t mind the extra work. I am an overachiever.
They requested a fully developed marketing strategy and an editorial plan for social media, which comprised articles and posts for one month. 
This entailed a full week of work and extensive research. I did this because I loved the job. And to my surprise, I received no feedback. Later, I saw my ideas shared on their website and social media accounts. Their claims of being ethical and respecting their employees astonished me, as I do not believe they treat their employees better than applicants. 

Within two months, I have noticed a new job posting for this role in this company. 

Focus on all activities that can enhance and validate your experience and skills.
Rewrite your CV and Cover letter
Rework your LinkedIn profile
Update your Portfolio.
If that is possible, ask for referrals and move on.

If you need help, I am here.
Let’s meet in class for my Interview Preparation Course!
📞 0722 841 053

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer #jobhelper

Want to know more?
Visit my establishments:
Copywriters, AI nerds, job seekers, and passionate travelers: go to where I share stories about writing, content strategies, AI fears and benefits, job interview strategies, and carefully select the best hotel offers for YOU.

English learners, small business owners, and solopreneurs: go to my YouTube channel, where I create videos about trending news, the English grammar, the global economy, new English vocabulary, business development, and essential economic concepts.

Join my courses!
Photo Pexels.