Tag Archives: Wordsmith

What are dreams made of?

What are dreams made of?
Inspiration and a great deal of effort. We slog through, sometimes pausing to admire the first glimmer of success.
Companies are founded on a dream, not a single idea.

What are your dreams?
To be free.
To feel free.
To feel free to choose whichever type of day you wanna have.
Feel free to choose the type of life you want.
To be materially free.
Feel free to travel.
Experience new life routines.
Feel free to make money.
Spend substantial amounts of time improving our knowledge and abilities so that we may earn more money and enjoy the independence that comes with it.
Freedom to make you our passion scalable.
But how do you start?

Art – Frederick Judd Waugh

To be continued

Content Creation

“Everyone always assumes that content creation is a massive task to tackle – and yes, it is. There is no shortcut to content creation.
You either do it yourself, internally hire a team to do it, or hire an agency to do it for you. This is our best advice, create content in chunks. Perhaps every first of the month, create an inventory of blogs, blurbs, newsletters, photo shoots and spread the content out in one 1, 3, or 6 month period.”

Yes, content creation is a massive task… We start with the story at the core of your business. It might be the simple story of how you get the idea, or how your idea came into being. With our words we show the unique, problem-solving magic of your business and what it will empower to do.
We keywordly handcraft your inventory of light&stories and spread it all over.

Stories are our meat and our magic. We live by them and we charm with them.

“A great story is true. Not necessarily because it’s factual, but because it’s consistent and authentic.” – Seth Godin
Content creation is a forest with your true story carved on every tree…

We’d love to hear from you!
Have a most fortunate day in all your hermetic activities!

In photo – Authenticity – Kimono Forest

To work

“I mean to work tremendously hard.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (November 11, 1821–February 9, 1881)

There is no place for arrogance in the teaching. The only thing is changing the world of your students.

We’d love to hear from you!
Drop us a line and we will tailor the perfect Business/Legal/Railway/Finance/Marketing/Copywriting English course for you!

Call: 0040722841053

William Clarke Rice, “The Four Seasons” (1923)


David Lohrey is the personification of Sudden Denouement.

The Crime of Understanding

He tells me Fashion has a purpose.
“You’re not against anything,” I say.This is part of the problem. People defend the end of the world, explain it, like they don’t care. Like if they understand it, they can control it.


[David Lohrey is the author of Machiavelli’s Backyard from Sudden Denouement Publishing. He is also an editor for Sudden Denouement and a mentor for me personally – Jasper Kerkau]

How it Seems to Me

How it Seems to Me

In the vast abyss before time, self
is not, and soul commingles
with mist, and rock, and light. In time,
soul brings the misty self to be.
Then slow time hardens self to stone
while ever lightening the soul,
till soul can loose its hold of self
and both are free and can return
to vastness and dissolve in light,
the long light after time.

Ursula K. Le Guin

Wind by Robert Okaji

The road to brilliance is paved with staggering simplicity:

Wind by Robert Okaji

That it shudders through
and presages an untimely end,

that it transforms the night’s
body and leaves us

breathless and wanting,
petals strewn about…

“Wind” first appeared in Blue Hour Magazine and is included in his first chapbook, If Your Matter Could Reform.