💥Search Engines vs Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Internet Browsing
💥How easy is it to find information?
💥How do you find accurate information?
✅For, let’s say, two decades, I have been using Google and accurate keywords to find information. The best example for me was finding a certain song that I loved from the soundtrack of a movie, and I used to paste in keywords on YouTube.
✅Lately, I have been experimenting with the AI, and I attended a conference at Esxence, Milan about the AI and the art of perfumery.
Please read my report on Fragrantica.com: ESXENCE 2024: Artificial Intelligence Perfume Day
✅During my exploits I was wondering if we were dealing with a revolution from the point of view of search engines and the AI, as many people also report that they employ the AI solutions to find pertinent information.
✅In my opinion, and as I mentioned in my report for Fragrantica, I ALWAYS check my findings unearthed by the AI.
✅If we look at data, according to Similar Web, OpenAI had more visitors than Google in January 2024.
✅From the point of view of search engine optimization, the game is changing, yet again, with AI the major game-changer. Never a dull day for us, SEO scholars.
✅Where does this lead?
What is the AI’s indexing strategy for your website?
✅Check out the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cyaP2TYf4Q&list=PLFkPjmKMw3g4-4dldxcrXTkyMoYf1RvU6&index=7.
I hope you enjoyed this English lesson about AI solutions and strategies!
😎 If you liked this video, you might like this one about the Unique Selling Point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXfLpEkWMQE 😎
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Read more about AI on our blog: Do you think AI tools will take over most SEO tasks in the future?