Monthly Archives: August 2015

Engleza de august/ In lieu

In lieu = instead of.

Customer-service staff to work half an hour more Mon-Thurs and have Friday p.m. free in lieu.

I am happy to offer you the package of 6 hours intensive English grammar course & 6 hours intensive communication course in English in lieu of payment for your services.

Va oferim cursul intensiv de gramatica limbii engleze si cursul intensiv de comunicare in engleza in sistem barter.

La cerere va oferim si alte cursuri de pe rafturile Magazinului de Engleza.

Barter = the system of exchanging goods, property, services, etc. for other goods without using money.

Suntem interesati sa colaboram mai ales cu firme de web design, publicitate, sali de sport…

Va asteptam propunerile de colaborare la 0722.841.053 sau


Engleza de august/ fogdog

Fogdog =  a bright spot sometimes seen in a fog bank.

First we sleep with windows shut to cooler nights and we guess the last warmths in the trees being kissed red and yellow…

Then the sun’s imprisonment in a casket of fog… October is the beginning of times



Painting by Alexander Dzigurski.

Green Sounds Festival Bucharest

Green Sounds Festival Bucharest

Good name for the festival as sounds&music and love are always green.

Bucharest was happy again for 3 days…I do believe it is happy any day, everywhere, anywhen

Rythm, excitement, merriment, honest stories & dancing under the Moon & Music.








Oferta lunii septembrie

Prima companie client a lunii septembrie primeste cursul intensiv de gramatica gratuit (6 ore de curs + materiale gratuite).
Vei invata sa asezi cuvintele potrivite in propozitii simple in limba engleza cu ajutorul substantivelor, pronumelor, articolelor, timpurilor verbale simple si continue, verbelor modale.
Vei invata sa asezi cuvintele potrivite in propozitii complexe in limba engleza cu ajutorul diatezei pasive, propozitiilor conditionale, vorbirii indirecte…
Pentru cursul de copywriting in limba engleza oferim cursul de creative writing gratuit (6 ore de curs + materiale gratuite).
Mai multe detalii si contact la:

Engleza de august/ Shooting star

Shooting star = a small meteor (= a piece of rock in outer space) that travels very fast and burns with a bright light as it enters the earth’s atmosphere.

August is the month of shooting stars and making lasting wishes in the light of their ephemeral falls.

When was the last time you saw a really big shooting star? I wouldn’t dare ask about your wish…


I usually organise shooting stars parties and I watch and wait for their glamorous waltz above the heat of the night

Shooting star nightShooting Star By MaryDoodles on Deviant Art.


Transcreation = is the process of recreating precise brand content for multilingual consumption.

Transcreation adapts the intent of the original text based on cultural nuances, ensuring it will be successful internationally.

Transcreation is a fairly new word…I haven’t been able to find it in the dictionary…

I always work with dictionaries as I have been translating for 20 years…Or should I say transcreating?

I have been recreating stories for my customers for 20 years.

I have never accepted the idea that translating is just putting together some words according to the source text.

Firstly I read the story and we have a talk about your project, as I need to know precisely who you want it to read and appreciate…Should I say enjoy?

Then I recreate your story in English (or in Romanian), so that more people will find it appealing, educational, interesting, helpful.

I can help by transcreating the stories you need on your site, your landing page, your blog, your book.

Transcreation: We make your story shine!

Find me at +40722.841.053 (WhatsApp) and we will talk about words.

Biking else matters

I travel by mind and by bike…
I wouldn’t know which is much more educational…

I would like to introduce some beautiful glimpses of Spring in the City… Of Bucharest.

In sunsets and flowering seasons there is sadness of new warmth and yellow joys of love…


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Engleza de august/ flumadiddle

Flumadiddle = utter nonsense (American English, being a combination of flummery = complete nonsense and diddle = to fool with).

The sun will call off his stinging rays of heat to end the flumadiddle of this scorching summer…eventually…

Earlier this spring I wished for a long and breezy summer and a long merry autumn…

Autumn covers the moon with joy

And the sun with mellow haze…

To be continued…


Autumn by Ivan Fedorovich Choultsé.

Curs gramatica limbii engleze

Are you fluent in choosing your English?


Ce vei face la acest curs?

La cursul de gramatica limbii engleze vei învăța să așezi cuvintele potrivite în propoziții simple cu ajutorul substantivelor, articolelor, pronumelor, timpurilor verbale simple și continue, verbelor modale. Vei învăța să așezi cuvintele potrivite în propoziții complexe cu ajutorul diatezei pasive, propozițiilor condiționale, vorbirii indirecte…

  • Te ajutăm cu materiale gratuite, consultanță și umor…
  • Și o pauză de relaxare și cafea în strada Mendeleev nr.7-15 (piața Romană).
  • Înscrieri la Ultima zi de înscrieri este 28 martie.


Dacă ți-a plăcut  cursul de gramatica, te invităm și la un curs intensiv de comunicare în engleză unde voi folosi in conversație ceea ce ai învățat la cursul precedent.



Avem cuvinte si pentru copywriteri: