Monthly Archives: September 2015

Harbour flare

Harbours are places for encounters
We go there often.
We play a game
Of looking at ships gliding
Through foreign scents and mists
and amiable far-aways…

Water is a place for
life and dreams.


Painting: Harbour flare by John Atkinson Grimshawn.

Inspiration: Moby Dick by Herman Melville.

Harald Sohlberg

Harald Sohlberg. I could write a poem for each and every one of his paintings.

A Moonlight with a Lighthouse, Coast of Tuscany ?exhibited 1789 Joseph Wright of Derby 1734-1797 Purchased 1949

A Moonlight with a Lighthouse, Coast of Tuscany.


What is the light without a moon

And the moon without the light?

The light is what we crave

But moon is what we see.

Copywriting in English

A few hints about the copywriting course in English…

People buy for one of two reasons: to increase their pleasure or to alleviate pain.

  1. What pain does your product alleviate?
  2. Do customers experience pleasure?…………………….Pleasure from saving money…:)

In class, you experience the pleasure of feeling comfortable with your English and smiling at my humour…

My humour alleviates nothing as I have no humour, I am just smiling to encourage you to make more and more mistakes, this is how you learn to speak and write correctly and appropriately.

My definition of copywriting is to put available dreams (on paper and) in people’s minds..

Find more:

Find me & book a presentation at +40722.841.053.

Engleza de septembrie/ Whet

Whet = to increase your desire for or interest in something.

“Feur had remained curiously unassimilated; she continued to whet the curiosity of lady Alison…” John Galsworthy, A Modern Comedy.

Autumn whets the illusion of permanence.

Nevertheless, the wind in the yellow air is playing a tune: You are no colonists of this world. You are just passing through… As boats dwindling into sunset glares…


Picture by me off the Ionian sea.

English for autumn. Grammar

English for autumn. The English grammar course.

I don’t care where I work. I am a machine. A machine of talking you into* English grammar & words.

I only need:

  • a whiteboard
  • few felt-tip pens.

You only need:

  • 6 hours or so
  • patience
  • joyous expectations.

Do not forget to smile as You welcome me into your life to solve the tiniest of problems. International Comunication.

Dacă nu stii gramatica limbii engleze, nu te poti exprima corect!

Cursul intensiv de gramatica limbii engleze se organizeaza in Bucuresti dar si in Cluj, Bacau, Iasi, Constanta, Pitesti, Ploiesti, Brasov daca la sediul companiei tale sunt 7 persoane interesate de comunicare in engleza.

Acest curs de organizeaza si in sistem de curs individual (la cerere).

Materialele de curs sunt gratuite.

Book now: +40722.841.053 &





There are many useful words on this blog:

*Talk into = to persuade somebody to do/ not to do something.


Me is made of many Yous

Me is made of many Yous…

You, astonished in desires
You, lost in stories of beliefs
You, in vapors of regrets for
Ancient remembrances of

Love is twofold when is given…

You, perpetually startled at the quantity of

Ivan Fedorovich Choultse - Sur La Corniche _Cote d_Azur_

Words by Iulia Halatz.

Painting by Ivan Fedorovich Choultsé.

Engleza de septembrie/ The ins and outs

The ins and outs (of something) = all the details, especially the complicated or difficult ones.


To have an in with somebody = to have influence with somebody.

An in to something = a way into something.

On this blog I present the ins and outs of my business, the English Shop.
