Monthly Archives: June 2015

Love in line (1)

Moonlit night

Love drips

out of my lines.

There is not ink

But sweetness and joy

protruding in small afternoons


in glimpses of light

dancing on leaves

and ruby flowers…

When skies glance

at the coolness of moonshine

and butterflies kept in a dream

smile till dawn,

Do not forget…

As long as you feel

the brush of the evening’s wind

coiling like a wild animal

You are as young as

the new roses this year…

Photo: Artist: HASUI, KAWASE (1883-1957)
Dated: 1947 “good night”!


This blog is not about Writing. It is about Thanking…

I thank myself through my poems. As the flocks of words in my head keep bursting into images that only ink can hold. (I am totally unartistic…I cannot draw or paint).

I Thank People…Sometimes for nothing, sometimes for giving me an idea or a glimpse of a feeling, sometimes for heating me with a mere smile, sometimes for just listening….

Through my blog, I have just thrown a gossamer thread…

I am not much of a spider or “spideress”…Nevertheless the thread sticks…

And I keep thanking….The beautiful people for Conversing


We are all

Fireflies night

We are all fighters in trenches
and bleeders on battlefields.

We are all thinkers
of simplicities and beauties.

We are all carriers
of hopes and smiles.

We are all dreamers
of strange countries
full of secrets and dreams.

We are all lovers
of love and lust.

We are all yearners
for colours and truths.

We are all travelers
amidst unruffled nights
and shimmering fireflies.

We are all…

Sursa foto: Facebook. BY Kobayashi Kiyochika
Fireflies at Ochanomizu.

Credibilitate = Strategie?

Ca antreprenori vindem in primul rand credibilitate, apoi servicii si produse.

Cum fabricam credibilitate? Prin creativitate…si…multa munca…

Eu m-am apucat de scris, acum vreo cativa ani…Am deschis cateva bloguri, de promovare, dar mai ales de ajutor pentru orice cititor care vrea sa afle informatii care nu sunt in carti sau manuale de limba engleza. Informatiile din articolele de pe blogurile de specialitate (,, sunt dictate in primul rand de experienta de aproape 20 de ani ca profesor de engleza si scriitor despre aproape orice are legatura cu engleza juridica, engleza economica, marketing, engleza de afaceri, gramatica limbii engleze, content writing, copywriting…Am observat ca anumite informatii au fost preluate si de alte bloguri…Se cere si un scriitor care sa scrie poezii in engleza pe blogul de companie si este ALL CORRECT…

Da, am invatat ca arta este o copie (a realitatii), dar inspiratia, creativitatea si MUNCA nu se pot copia…De fapt dorinta de a fi perfectibil/a nu se poate copia.

Cum fabricam strategie?

E simplu. Eu incerc sa ajut…cu un test de limba engleza (gratuit), cu o prezentare, cu o programa personalizata, cu un curs gratuit…cu o recomandare…Cu un bonus…

Cursul intensiv de gramatica limbii engleze este gratuit pentru actualii clienti (companii).

Este multa munca, dar nu este greu..pentru ca imi place sa vorbesc cu oamenii, sa ii ascult, sa ii fac sa ma asculte si sa ii ajut sa inteleaga limba engleza dintr-o perspectiva mai simpla…Pentru ca marele meu defect este rezistenta la stresul lucrurilor complicate…Simplitatea imi alunga norii de neintelegere si-mi sterge ridurile (de expresie).

Ce am invatat?

Am invatat sa folosesc: ce am citit, ce am experimentat, ce am vazut, ce am testat, ce mi-au povestit oamenii, si mai ales ..ce mi-am imaginat.

Imagination is a form of courage“.

Imi asum curajul de a schimba o perspectiva si de a convinge ca simplitatea si creativitatea sunt o atitudine.

Somewhere, There and Anywhere

Autumn early sky

Somewhere, There and Anywhere

are decent proposals of good-byes.

Uttered in different keys

Of Wisdom, Hope and Grief,

Launched in midnight dreams

and finished in the afternoons

That whispers in the wind

Cannot bear

in the prime of spring…

…Sending smells of Trust…

is autumn’s proposal of


Sursa foto: Facebook.


Lovers in the lilacs

My words are all colours

I see them in greens and blues and reds and yellows.

A green is for midsummer’s eve

A white is for a flower

A blue is for you

And for me, I have  TRUE.

“Truer” are the truths of hope

loaded with the guns of love.

Foto: Marc Chagall, Lovers in the lilacs.