Interview Questions for Sudden Denouement
1. What name do you write under?
Iulia Halatz
2. In what part of the world do you live? Tell us about it.
I live in Bucharest, Romania, a small beautiful country in South-East Europe, washed by the Black Sea, watered by the Danube river, cleansed by the Danube Delta, guarded by the Carpathian Mountains, envisaged in many stories and legends. I have written more about the magic of my country here:
I am Romanian
I tremble with the moon
Building shapes of light
Into rippling pools
After the rain of summer…
3. Please tell us about yourself.
I am a teacher with 25 years’ experience and I manage my own school of languages.
I am a passionate cyclist. I never say: “I am happy”, but I say: “I am cycley.” (Of course, inspired by J M. Barrie.)
My power sentence (one of them) is: “Stories are our meat and our magic.” Nevertheless, because our culture doesn’t think storytelling is (still) sacred, I have to keep it rolling, keep writing and telling until I’ve got it half licked.
I picture myself as a storyteller and I inhabit the stories I write.
Whenever people do not “speak” to me, I resort to the powerful communicative skills of the world, I visit a tree and the lake and I start writing a story to have new armour and new citadel … I’ve got it twofold licked.
4. If you have a blog or website, please provide the name and the link.
5. When did you begin your blog/website, and what motivated you start it?
Some time ago (2012) I was put in a prison. The bars and locks were invisible to the eye, but essential. Then I started forging a way to freedom, a secret underground passage. Paved with words painted in blood. The bars and locks flung open.
6. What inspires/motivates you to keep blogging on your site?
For me writing is a form of freedom…
It is like digging for gold. I keep on digging and excavating until the steel of words transmutes into gold of wonder….
I keep on writing but not publishing on my blog (for a while). I was sort of harassed through my blog so I decided to keep silent for a while. But I write new pieces for SD and new bricks for finishing building my imago mundi.
7. What does “Divergent Literature” mean to you?
Divergently FreeWriters.
Divergent literature is for me a brush of green-warm air above the sea, aliver than life itself. Is represents a hubristic place of wonder.
I have written more here:
8. SD Founder Jasper Kerkau frequently talks about Sudden Denouement writers using the ‘secret language’. What is it?
It is (for me) speaking and writing in many alphabets, there is an alphabet for Love, an alphabet for Freedom, one for the lust for Life…
9. What are your literary influences?
My ordinary order in any given pub is: “Coffee and Somerset for me.” As in Somerset Maugham.
Magnificent and humble storyteller: “Will, love, and imagination are magic powers that everyone possesses; and whoever knows how to develop them to their fullest extent is a magician. Magic has but one dogma, namely, that the seen is the measure of the unseen.”
He could peer in the depth of the human soul. He measured it in tales not fathoms.
Mr. Michael Ondaatje has no longer divided time in Minutes, but in Loves. “The heart is an organ of fire.” Our minds, body, limbs, souls are organs of fire.
Jack London: “Who are you, Martin Eden? he demanded of himself in the looking-glass, that night when he got back to his room. He gazed at himself long and curiously. Who are you? What are you? Where do you belong?”
I would name his “mythology”, The Moon and the Sixpence, as he trudged for the both.
10. Has any of your work been published in print? (books, literary magazines, etc.) How did that happen?
Yes, some of my pieces have been published in Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective.
11. Do you have writing goals? What are they?
– To have the clarity of a poem by Michael Ondaatje.
– To write the truest sentences/stanzas that I know.
– To develop my blue alphabet of the Silent Spring, as “language is lackless and limitless”.
– I am of the opinion that the good people have created mythologies. I would like to create one of my own.
12. Which pieces of your own writing are your favorites? Please share a few links.
13. What else would like to share about your writing, or yourself?
As my word is freedom, for me Sudden Denouement is the purest form of freedom on the rarest of quests. I feel my imagination roaming the fields and painting walls in search of wild horses. The words I have found on SD open for me more and more eyes every day.
I am a newborn Argus.