Monthly Archives: November 2015

William Blake’s birthday

William Blake: 28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827.

“Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.”

“The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.”

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.”


William Blake, “The Night of Enitharmon’s Joy“, 1795. Blake’s vision of Hecate, Greek goddess of black magic and the underworld.

William Blake








He has been my beacon in declaring my Invisible Stories, as imagination can make the Invisible, Visible.


I tell my students, ‘When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else. This is not just a grab-bag candy game.’
Toni Morrison.

Grab bag (British English lucky dip) = a game in which people choose a present from a container of presents without being able to see what it is going to be.


I am to set you free from the horrors of making mistakes in English….Freedom is a dangerous tool, when given…

I am working hard & I am at the coalface in inspiring you to feel free in an English speaking environment.

A painter that sets me free: Julius von Klever.

Golden Autumn Julius von Klever


Spring wind

The spring wind is formed

when snowy mists migrate south

and the fresh warmth kisses the earth.

It is a sparkling, happy wind

that never catches its breath.

Firstly it emerges beneath the bushes and leafless trees,

then in the new born grasses.

Yesterday I found myself in its presence.


November English/ Preclude

Preclude = to put a barrier before; to shut out; to hinder; to stop; to impede;
to keep from happening or arising; have the effect of preventing:


He couldn’t be captured in a phrase
Or one hundred…

He was like no one,

He was like a foreign country
That you travelled through
Eerie landscapes and glistening lakes
Towards horizons
Camouflaged in mists
once felt
And dreamed about.

He was like a giant umbrella
In bright colors
Protective of winds and shadows
Bandaging unseen wounds
In tenderness and




Foreign country by Harald Sohlberg.



Well, I have become very tired…
One sign is that I tend to make spelling mistakes… My life is more or less dedicated to writing and communicating.
Occasionally I have noticed spelling mistakes on other sites.
Even if I keep my blogs for the sole enchantment of my readers, I do not take kindly my infrequent lapses of attention.

So…More biking and less working …

My paradise is adorned with wild landscapes blurred by motion and colours of the moving seasons…

Engleza de noiembrie/ Capstone

Capstone = someone’s greatest achievement or the greatest part of something.

This leadership position represents the capstone of my carrer.


What has been the capstone of my carrer?

My entrepreneurial insight has led me at a point where I make strategies with a view to improving people’s skills…

I design strategies to improve their communicative skills in all fields of the language: creative & accurate business communication, creative writing & speaking in a legal, financial, marketing, medical environment, creative proofreading.

This is the greatest part of my work.


As for the picture…I would like my efforts & creativity to be seen in colours…Which I cannot use nor paint.

The garden of imagination by John Atkins Grimshaw.


Engleza de noiembrie/ Law of diminishing returns

The law of diminishing returns = the principle that after a certain point more work, investment… produces smaller and smaller improvements or results.


As for me, at a certain point I reduce my input of SMILES as the output diminishes.

The quantity of English rests the same.


For my readers, clients and friends:

I regret to inform you that my poor sense of humour never diminishes.
