Tag Archives: old poetry

Trail away

Trail me away
with questions
and the weight of your love.
Abyss is not yet invented
Just seen in shadow moons…

Cast me away
with a thought
replenishing with haze
in mid mountain mornings…

I carry feelings
in my pockets
and stories of you
to guard my garden of lilies…

Every night
I wash myself of you
until another one comes written…


Reposting an old poem from 2015.

Art by John William Waterhouse.

Every day a little dream

I long for a dream,
within a dream
that clears the sight
of you.

I am asleep and asleep
I feel nothing
But the craddle of your arms
like orange snakes
thrashing fears around…

Black and white tale
Shall that be…

Every night a little dream
in the dead of sleep
in the depth of you…
Words spatter lights
in pools.
Do not squander their yellow glare
To guard you through winter…
















Art –  Ivan Volkov, Tatiana Larina’s Dream from Pushkin’s ‘Eugene Onegin’, 1891.

This is an old poem from 2015.