Tag Archives: moonshine

Lest we forget

You are better than unicorns
and moonshine combined.

You are better than gossamer
and fireflies entwined.

Make sure to notice
the collateral beauty
of dreaming and dreading,
wishing and fearing,
abysses and mountains,
venom and honey
in a kiss
that numbs
and talks to my heart

about the color of a feeling.


Art by Helen Flockhart.

Iulia Halatz
She says: “Be the one who cares, make words so disruptive that they create new worlds, hopes and dreams. Even if we are unhappy dinosaurs and find shelter in an Iron Tale or ruminate about feeling too much, whilst declaring colorless apparel, we should take power and strength from our stories.”
Her published poems can be found in The Sudden Denouement Anthology Volume I.