Tag Archives: tasks

Might micromanagement be dead?

On LinkedIn, there are numerous posts about productivity and the thin line between professional and personal life. There are also many opinions on how to manage increased responsibilities.

I always fulfill my responsibilities and go above and beyond. I love my jobs, and I am not in need of someone to tell me what I have to do. This is my approach, as I sometimes operate independently.
I may have a biased approach because I set my own tasks and maintain a weekly to-do list; however, I firmly believe that a truly motivated individual can effortlessly and responsibly handle tasks.

So, motivation is the key to many doors. I am highly motivated because I love what I do, even if sometimes I do not have free time on my hands and I lack prioritizing (that is something I must work on).

I agree that it’s important to complete tasks within your own timeframe, meet expectations, and move on. I work hard while also having a personal life and maintaining my emotional standard of living. I maintain both professional and emotional standards. If I am worried, stressed, or upset, my productivity suffers. When my collaborators set up tasks predictably, I appreciate it most. If they inform me beforehand, I can meet any deadlines.

Furthermore, might micromanagement be dead? Just a thought…

Photo by the author.