Tag Archives: AI course

Curs în limba engleză despre Inteligența Artificială

Mastering AI for Corporate Employees, București, 7 septembrie, orele 9-12

Înscrieri între 26 august și 2 septembrie la adresa de email contact@cursinengleza.ro și pe formularul de contact (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5Y2UyeID8uVRuLD1-OxuF-0lbIDkap53MJxFQ34ucMuQ44g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0) unde veți bifa cursuri pentru AI.

Curs face-to-face, București, Piața Romană sau altă locație centrală (în funcție de numărul de participanți).

Avansează în carieră: Stăpânește IA la locul de muncă!

Te simți depășit de inteligența artificială și de noile tehnologii?
Nu îți face griji, nu ești singurul. Dar cum ar fi dacă ai putea să-i valorifici puterea pentru a-ți revoluționa activitatea și a avea un atu valoros în era automatizării?
Noul nostru curs Mastering AI for Corporate Employees este conceput pentru TINE!

Există un IA pentru orice activitate și pentru oricine!
Dar numai 2% dintre utilizatori folosesc IA într-un mod productiv și eficient.
Cum alegi platforma IA cea maipotrivită pentru tine?
Cum economisești timpul și devii mai efficient cu ajutorul IA?
Cum poți folosi IA pentru comunicare, proiecte, prezentări, studii de caz, cercetare, testarea informațiilor și acuratețea lor, analize, texte, articole, strategii de marketing, …?
Vă prezentăm cursul nostru despre cele mai bune platforme AI și despre cele mai bune întrebări/prompts pentru activitatea ta de zi cu zi testate de noi. 

Ce vei învăța la curs?
În primul rând să nu te mai simți depășit de IA și noile tehnologii.
Și nu în ultimul rând:
Bazele inteligenței artificiale: înțelege conceptele și aplicațiile de bază ale inteligenței artificiale care influențează industria ta.
Aplicații din lumea reală: Descoperă modul în care IA este utilizată în domeniul tău specific pentru îmbunătățirea eficienței, automatizarea sarcinilor și obținerea de informații valoroase.
Pregătirea pentru viitor: Învață cum să folosești inteligența artificială pentru a-ți îmbunătăți setul de competențe existent și a rămâne eficient.
Implementare practică: Câștigă experiență practică cu instrumentele și platformele populare de IA relevante pentru activitatea ta.

Vă recomandăm și seria noastră de articole despre AI http://blog.seocopywriting.ro/?s=AI

Clienții noștri au puncte de fidelitate pentru participarea la acest curs.

How can I improve my attention span?

It’s likely that your attention span has decreased in recent years. Here’s a guide to help you regain your focus.

Check out my latest video on the topic:

Regarding myself, I noticed a decline in my focus during the pandemic, likely due to the constant use of my devices and the constant demands from my students and clients. I maintain this habit, and I respond to client emergencies outside of my working hours.

One of the most crucial steps is to disconnect and embark on a cycling adventure or a journey amidst the beauty of nature.

Other tricks:
Disable my internet connection.
To complete all of my tasks, I set goals and an everyday timetable as I respond very well to scheduling.
Setting weekly goals
Assessing my work almost every day.
I really appreciate the value of long-term planning.

Photo by the writer.

What Is Your Opinion About The AI?

I have received this question in a comment on my last article on Fragrantica: ESXENCE 2024: Artificial Intelligence Perfume Day

AI is just a tool. Firstly, I dismissed the idea, and then, when more and more news emerged on the topic, I decided to take a look.

However, it is important to remember that writing is a demanding task that requires skill and dedication. It encourages deep and thorough introspection. It demands a significant amount of determination and fortitude. It requires a solid grasp of the structure. A great deal of reading, tedious research, and summarizing are required. Not to mention battling the writer’s block…

Can AI do that? NO.
I use AI mainly for research, and I managed to uncover a lot of useful websites that were not so easy to find by simply pasting in keywords. Is it possible for robots to index websites instead of search engines?

Yes, I agree with the general opinion that we have become addicted to screens and artificial long-distance relationships.

For anybody who has experimented with AI, there are two things made clear. AI can create all types of listicles and use plagiarized content for its writing. The listicles can come in handy, depending on the purpose. Valuable information is available for the right questions. I started to see AI-generated content on Quora. I checked some of the answers, and they were inaccurate.

LinkedIn employs AI for the prompts for collaborative articles. I participate in those when I have time and like the topic.
Also, contributors on LinkedIn complain that their AI-generated content has been flagged, as well as AI-generated content on websites and blogs.
The technological progress is undeniable. Lately, it seems that there is AI for everything.

I remember a talk with my IT students a long time ago, and then we decided that, more or less, everything had been invented. We were wrong, of course. Also, they told me something very beautiful that I remember to this day: that above us there is a nebula with all the inventions of the future lying there, for somebody eager to take the trip up and bring them down.

Now and then, I am thinking about my favorite writers and characters, trying to imagine what they would do with a smartphone and how they would relate to technology. For example, consider Emily Dickinson. What would she write on Instagram?

The main character in Jane Eyre treasured a walk in the garden, regardless of the weather conditions. What’s your favorite pastime? Binge-watching? Social media posting? Searching for Instagrammable views?

I use AI to mind the gap between the old beauty of the world, where imagination caught fire merely by watching a small corner of the wilderness, and the new world, where the sources of creativity are so many that they become cliche.

AI-generated photo

We are currently developing a course about harnessing AI for the benefit of your activity.
Stay tuned!

What are the most popular blog posts on AI?

It is challenging to determine the exact ranking of the most popular blog posts on a certain topic, but there are excellent resources available to discover top-notch content. Here are a few different approaches:

Popular AI Blogs
Follow reputable blogs from leading research institutions, companies, and publications. Here are some examples:
OpenAI Blog (https://openai.com/blog)
Machine Learning Mastery (https://machinelearningmastery.com/)
Google AI Blog (https://blog.research.google/)
MIT Technology Review (https://www.technologyreview.com/topic/artificial-intelligence/)
Analytics Vidhya Blog (https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/)

AI News Sites
These sites aggregate AI news and articles. They can be a good starting point to find trending topics:
ScienceDaily – Artificial Intelligence (https://www.sciencedaily.com/terms/artificial_intelligence.htm)
The Guardian – Artificial intelligence (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/26/hollywood-writers-strike-artificial-intelligence)
There is a wide range of options available, with numerous excellent AI blogs and resources to explore. By following these sources, you’ll discover captivating and informative content on a wide range of AI topics.

Photo source – Pexels.com

2023: A Banner Year

2023 was a banner year for me.

I’ve had the pleasure of attending perfumery exhibits and perfume releases, where I’ve had the opportunity to witness the unveiling of remarkable scents such as Osmanthe Liu Yuan by Le Jardin Retrouve and the latest creations by the incredibly talented Stéphanie Bakouche for Miraj. I’ve had the pleasure of encountering remarkable people and immersing myself in the captivating narratives they’ve shared. Human beings can be likened to walking volumes of knowledge. I have had the privilege of observing the remarkable growth and development of AI.

Lately, I’ve found myself delightfully immersed in the pages of Charlotte Bronte’s timeless masterpiece, Jane Eyre (yet again). In this literary gem, the protagonist cherishes a leisurely stroll around a park on a captivating November morning, shrouded in a gentle mist. It is really a precious and cherished experience for her.
In this modern day and age, we are fortunate to be bestowed with an abundance of information, experiences, and all kinds of content. I sometimes day dream and think about what a character from a novel, such as Jane Eyre, would do with the technology we have today….
The gift of knowledge is invaluable. The myriad of possibilities that lie before us when it comes to choosing what to do with these many resources is what sets us apart.

As an astute teacher, I have ingeniously crafted a cutting-edge curriculum tailored specifically for the realm of artificial intelligence, showcasing my unwavering ability to stay abreast of the ever-evolving landscape of knowledge. I have had the pleasure of teaching countless hours of bespoke professional English courses. I am delighted to announce that I have embarked on the exciting journey of creating a newsletter on LinkedIn to chronicle my many endeavors and the diverse roles I undertake.

I’ve been delightfully immersing myself in the world of perfumeries, all while keeping pace with the thriving and vibrant Romanian fragrance industry…

For the New Year I aspire to work more and better. I am eager to expand my writing skills and leave a lasting impression. Harnessing my abilities and experience to craft exquisite creations. Reviews, interviews, and essays are just a few of the many avenues via which one might reflect upon and explore more. I really anticipate witnessing the forthcoming advancements in the realm of fragrances.

During my talk with perfumer Stéphanie Bakouche for Fragrantica, we discussed the future of perfumery. If the future belongs to slow perfumery, it is yet to be seen this new year.

The big questions for 2024

AI challenge: where do we go from here?

Are there new perspectives and more market opportunities for developing new products?
Can you build a business solely on AI? Some say that it is possible … I wish I had time to give it a try.
What new (AI-based) products can I use to scale my business?

Perfumery Challenge: The Future of Perfumery

I wish I had some insight into the new launches. I will soon, of course.

What would be the main trends in perfumery?

Customers that purchase fragrances in the future are more considerate than previous generations. There are additional factors to consider when making a purchase decision. The fragrance market has been seeing quite a transformation recently, with the emergence of sudden TikTok sensations, and a growing emphasis on ingredient transparency.

These infrastructural changes suggest a perfume consumer that is approaching products, interactions, and purchases in a fresh and innovative manner.

For the new year I want: more sleep, more music, more tea, more books, more sunsets, more happy encounters, more creating, more strolls on the beach, more jokes, more laughter, more dreaming, more fun, more love, more peace.

And let us not overlook the fact that a bike ride is truly unparalleled, except perhaps for a leisurely stroll amidst the ethereal beauty of the clouds.

Photo – AI-generated