Tag Archives: invata engleza


Stay up to date with our newsletter and improve your English skills!

We offer tips and tricks about English and SEO, writing tips, copywriting tips, the word of the month, the mistake of the month, one article per month on business, business development, economics, marketing, and a free 6-hour course for companies.

Check out our newsletter!
Substack: https://open.substack.com/pub/iulia/p/start-english-august-newsletter

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/start-english-august-newsletter-iulia-halatz-rc2xf/

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer
Want to know more?

Visit my establishments:
Copywriters, AI nerds, job seekers, and passionate travelers: go to blog.seocopywriting.ro where I share stories about writing, content strategies, AI fears and benefits, job interview strategies, and carefully select the best hotel offers for YOU.

English learners, small business owners, and solopreneurs: go to my YouTube channel, where I create videos about trending news, the English grammar, the global economy, new English vocabulary, business development, and essential economic concepts.

Join our AI course!
Vă așteptăm la cursul pentru AI (curs în engleză)! 19 octombrie – curs face-to-face în centrul Bucureștiului!
400 lei – materialele incluse.

📞 0722 841 053
📨 contact@cursinengleza.ro

What Is Insider Trading and When Is It Legal?

Insider trading involves trading in a public company’s stock or other securities by someone with non-public, material information about the company. Insider transactions are legal if the insider makes a trade and reports it to the Securities and Exchange Commission, but insider trading is illegal when the material information is still non-public.

Those who commit insider trading face harsh consequences, so it’s important to know what it is and how to avoid it if you own company shares and have information that can affect other investors.

Check out our video: https://youtu.be/C9vidnx0cVY?si=vmTi4pV6XvqnT2v0

Looking to level up your English-speaking game? Whether it’s nailing those corporate presentations, acing employment interviews, or slaying any public speaking situation, I’m here to help you shine! Let’s unlock your full potential together!

Join our courses at contact@cursinengleza.ro.

Hi, I am Iulia,
#Englishcoach, #copywriter #editor #proofreader #chieffairytalerofficer
Want to know more?

Visit my establishments:
Copywriters, AI nerds, job seekers, and passionate travelers: go to blog.seocopywriting.ro where I share stories about writing, content strategies, AI fears and benefits, job interview strategies, and carefully select the best hotel offers for YOU.

English learners, small business owners, and solopreneurs: go to my YouTube channel, where I create videos about trending news, the English grammar, the global economy, new English vocabulary, business development, and essential economic concepts.

Photo Pexels.com

Engleza de joi / Kudos

Every Thursday comes with a word or phrase.

Today we have:

Kudos – the admiration and respect that goes with a particular achievement or position.

I bid you a wonderful evening!

May you find some answers…Perhaps this is what we are looking for: wonderful evenings and good answers.

Photo: Le port de Saint-Tropez au coucher du soleil Paul Signac 1892.

Le port de Saint-Tropez au coucher du soleil Signac

Vorbește în engleză

Do you know what’s nice? Speaking English without mistakes!

Suntem aici pentru a te ajuta să vorbești in limba engleză fără inhibiții sau temeri că ai putea greși.
Nu va fi ușor, dar magicul se întâmplă în afara zonei noastre de confort. Eu asta fac de aproape 20 de ani, vă ajut să părăsiți zona de confort a limbii romane și să treceți pe tărâmul celălalt și să vă luptați cu prepozitiile, expresiile, auxiliarele și structura propozițiilor din limba engleză.
Ca să te trecem dincolo, nu te costă “an arm and a leg”, dar îţi cerem ceva preţios, timpul tău; 3 sau 4 ore pe saptămână timp de minim 2 luni sau maxim 6 luni, dacă eşti începător.

Obiectivele cursurilor noastre sunt specializarea și comunicarea în limba engleză.
  1. Program curs engleză pentru marketing și publicitate:  LUNI 8.00-11.00/18.00-21.00 sau SÂMBĂTĂ 10.00-13.00/13.00-16.00.
  2. Program curs de engleză financiară MIERCURI și VINERI 8.00-9.30/18.30-20.00 sauSÂMBĂTĂ 10.00-13.00/13.00-16.00.
  3. Program curs limba engleză la interviu: LUNI, MARȚI, MIERCURI, JOI, VINERI 8.00-11.00/18.00-21.00 și SÂMBĂTĂ 10.00-13.00/13.00-16.oo. Cursul durează 2 săptămâni. Tarif 150 lei modulul de curs.

Cursurile se desfășoară în București, str.Academiei 7. Înscrieri la 0722.841.053.

English. To learn

581721_359214644191484_1646254332_nA foreign language is never easy to learn. To speak it fluently is even more difficult. All you need is perseverance and a good teacher. And love….

Love for the challenges of a new linguistic background. Love for the unknown. Love, not fear of leaving your comfort zone.

Eventually, at the end of your English course, you will have the unexpected surprise to feel like home in all English speaking environments.

We can find a good teacher and the perfect syllabus for you, still you need to find love…

Love for anything…unexpected…


See you in class!


Web: www.cursinengleza.ro I www.engleza-de-afaceri.ro
Tel: 0722.841.053
E-mail: contact@engleza-de-afaceri.ro


Tarif curs de engleză

Tarif curs de engleză

START ENGLISHWatch, listen, speak. Tips and tricks about English. (www.engleza-de-afaceri.ro)
Vă oferim un curs de engleză la un preţ corect: 300 lei pe luna (2 cursuri pe săptămână).
Teste de evaluare gratuite online sau la sediul dvs.
Oferta lunii iunie:

  • 10% discount dacă sunteţi clientul nostru şi ne recomandaţi
  • 10% pentru cursurile solicitate dimineaţa
  • 10% dacă solicitaţi mai multe cursuri la sediul dvs
  • Manual de gramatică gratuit!

Vă aşteptăm!!

Web: www.cursinengleza.ro I www.engleza-de-afaceri.ro
Tel: 0722.841.053
E-mail: contact@engleza-de-afaceri.ro.